Comments: Reid - Halmich
By round
(SEPT 15) In the decision made in Germany of the Reid vs. Halmich fight
predictable? Ah...yes...Hopeful that a fair decision would be made if Elena
"Baby Doll" Reed fought hometown queen Halmich and beat
her....absolutely. But that is only in a perfect world---and on Sept.
11th proved again, that there is no "perfect world" in the sport of
boxing. Hear what some boxing fans and some of the media had to say about
this controversial decision between Reid and Halmich!
Letter by Regina halmich
Read "Open Letter"
I am impressed with the attitude both these
fighters have shown. There are so many fighters that
don't show respect to their opponent. Nor do they present
their honesty in fights that weren't scored in honesty. I
am glad there are fighters with this type of personality and
heart. I'd be VERY interested in watching this fight again
as well as continuing to follow their other future fights.
Thanks, Larissa Overbey
I know it is impossible to
win a match against Regina Halmich in Germany ....and
Regina Halmich knows that.
Regina, I am your fan
but please you destroyed the women boxing, you lost the
fight and you know that. If you are honest please don´t
destroy women's boxing. In
Mexico you have many fans but we are angry with you.
Note: Elena, you won the
fight. Victor M. Fonseca
First I would like to state that I am impressed
by the German fans and their sense of fair-play. They were quite
vocal about their unhappiness with the decision. I have never
seen so much support for an out of town opponent.
Elena earned many new fans and friends that night. Unfortunately
"bad decisions" are a part of boxing, and I would be the first
to state that I thought Felix Strom beat De La Hoya. Two wrongs
do not make a right! Elena
out punched, out threw, and out landed Regina throughout the
fight. To the Judge that scored the fight 98 to 94 for Halmich
your decision was completely incompetent! I will refrain from
accusations of foul play. All I can say is that there must be a
re-match, and we would be happy to go back to Germany (to
Regina's home town) to right this wrong. I know there will be
many happy German boxing fans delighted to have Baby doll thrill
them again with her action packed boxing. Thank You, Chris
Ben Tchavtchavadze -Trainer of Elena Reid
I didn't get to see this fight
unfortunately. I did see Regina's fight against Caples on
video. Yvonne, I thought was ahead but it could have gone to
Halmich. Even then there was considerable booing of the
decision by the Germans. I think what is most distressing about
these controversial decisions is that they just keep happening.
One or two questionable decisions in favor of a certain fighter
is acceptable and scandel accusations I think can be overly
exaggerated. However, we have come to expect them from
Universum promoted fighters, Halmich in particular. I applaud
both fighters for how they handled the post fight controversy.
It would be great to have a rematch in the United States.
However, from what I hear, Halmich's star power in Europe is so
much bigger than it is here so there is more than just the
judging keeping her overseas. Also, even if the fight were to
occur here, can we really be sure that a biased decision would
not follow Regina to the U.S. After all, she would still be
promoted by Universum. Then again, maybe the promoters would be
intimidated by trying to pull a fast one on a hometown fighter.
Even though the Germans were upset, a scandelous decision here
could cause more problems than just booing. I don't think a
womens bout has caused a riot yet though. The ladies fans seem
to have a good track record so far. Erik
Even before the fight, I made
the bet that Regina Halmich would defend the title. Opponents
like Alina Shaternikova and Yvonne Caples hit Regina hard and
were the real winner. However both lost their fights in Germany.
So I was convinced that Regina would keep the belt. The only way
to succeed in Germany versus Regina Halmich is a victory through
k.o. The fight was obvious last Saturday. Elena Reid showed a
clever and convincing fight. She was the Champion in the ring.Patrick
Trachsel, Switzerland
What took
place after the world title fight between Regina Halmich and
Elena Reid late Saturday night in Karlsruhe, is a disgrace to
the sport of boxing. With an incomprehensible clear vote in
favour of the obviously inferior Regina Halmich, the German
judge Oliver Evers has not only made a laughing stock of himself
and his guild, but also kindled the discussion of the
credibility of boxing world wide" Boxing Writer in
I'm from Germany, I saw the
Halmich-Reid-bout on TV last Saturday, and IMHO Reid won seven
or eight rounds out of ten... when I heard the result "draw!", I
thought it was a mistake - but it wasn't. I think those fans
booing showed that my opinion about this fight isn't only mine
but that of a few thousand else. Greetings to that very nice
girl Elena Reid. That bout is a sad thing for her.
I am from Germany, I am a fan of
Regina Halmich, and even I think that Elena Reid was better, at
least on that evening. I would have scored the fight 97-95 for Reid,
but there were indeed a couple of close rounds, so in my opinion any
vote from the 97-93 of the Belgian judge to a
draw can be justified - maybe even a narrow victory (96-95 or so)
for Halmich would have been barely acceptable considering a
champions bonus. The vote of the German judge is ridiculous.
In general, I think that it is a big problem in professional
boxing, if one of the judges is from the same country as one of the
contenders. That is something that simply should be avoided by
all means, even - or rather especially - if the fight takes place in
one of the boxers home country!
Volker L., Germany |
In my opinion, Reid did won the
bout. This is the same thing the German people do. Two german judges
and one american judge. Most the time German judges score the win to
Halmich. This is the same display when Delia Gonzales and Regina
Halmich fought. Gonzales did won the bout but it was stolen from her
and gave it to Regina. When will the german judges learn how to
watch a GOOD fight? Is it because Felix Sturm lost to De La Hoya
when Sturm won the bout? Come on people, if you gonna score a good
fight, score it right. Don’t give the fight to the one that actually
lost it. Pedro |
Now that both the American and
German contingents have made a breakthrough, by agreeing that there
will be a rematch between Elena Reid and Regina Halmich, the rematch
ought to take place in America, regardless of where, but to
accommodate fraulein Regina's concerns about Las Vegas, where she
last lost convincingly when Yvonne Trevino dropped her on her can,
let's have it somewhere else, say, Tunica or on the gulf somewhere,
even the east coast would be cool. At least then, I might be to able
cover it for you. Regardless of where the venue will be, either
Yvonne Caples or Kim Messer or both should be working Elena's
corner. After all, they've both earned that privilege, when they
both were, shall we say, 'shortchanged' when they had the misfortune
of fighting the lovely fraulein in the past. Longjab |
Last night I
watched the Halmich - Reid fight. It was a great fight with two
attacking boxers really fighting each other. Pity it ended in a
scandal. Elena Reid was the better boxer of the two, scoring a lot
more points. The verdict was scandalous. The German point referee
saw the match 98-94 in favor of Halmich. He was the only man in the
hall (apart from a few diehard Halmich fans undoubtedly who saw the
match this way. Immediately after the match Halmich avoided the
question of the fight being a scandal. "I am not a point-referee",
was her response to the question about the scandalous result. Jean
Marcel Nortz from Universum said that Regina had been lucky. When a
short interview with Elena started in the ring she got a big
applause from the crowd. She also avoided the question about a
scandal by saying:" I do hope everybody has enjoyed the fight, I do
hope there will be a rematch". After the match in the studio
Torsten Schmitz didn't answer the question about his advice during
the fight to Regina from which you could conclude that the match
didn't go well. Also he didn't comment the question about how the
final result sounded. Halmich concluded in the studio that when the
match would have been lost with a single point difference she would
have accepted the result. The final question to Regina
was about the cooperation between Elena Reid and her stall mate
Daisy Lang. She confirmed that she was very touched about this and
that she never expected Daisy to inform Elena about how to fight
against her. Kees of Holland |
Poor Elena, who had fought so well,
bursts into tears on hearing this decision. The Germans TV-presenter
calls it “an incomprehensible decision” and “a scandal”.
Regina doesn’t want to comment on the judges’ decision but admits
that she was worried that she ‘d lose her title and indicates that
she would have accepted it if the judges had given the fight to
Elena. Jean Marcel Nartz from Universum Box Promotion admits
that Regina “was a bit lucky” and that Elena would’ve won the fight
if it had taken place in the U.S. Elena herself is a
real good sport about the whole thing. When she’s interviewed, she
has already regained her charming smile. She doesn’t comment on the
decision either and says she’s looking forward to the rematch and
that next time she will “win even more”. Upon this she blows kisses
and thanks the crowd who cheer her once more. It was
definitely a good fight with two crowd-pleasing athletes who lived
up to expectations.Especially Elena made a great impression. As for the decision…
the good news is that everybody agreed on having a rematch! Peter
Geudens of Belgium |
I have checked the German press
during the day. Still the same picture. Everybody cries FOUL PLAY.
Eventually Universum put up the result on their page. They simply
took the wording from the press agency DPA, saying: "Regina Halmich
remains WIBF world champion in flyweight. The 27 year old citizen of
Karlsruhe defended her title with a draw, in her hometown in front
of 5000 spectators. For Halmich, who has only one defeat in 47
fights, this was her 36th win in 36 title matches."
(how can she have 36 wins in 36 title fights, when this was a draw?)
WBAN Insider from Europe |
Elena Reid has just fought a draw
with Regina Halmich in Karlsruhe but this was a bigger robbery than
any visited on Caples, Sutcliffe and various other talented but
ill-advised fighters who chance their arm in Germany. The
scoring was as follows: Roger Tillemann (Belgian) 93/97 for
Leslek Jankowiak (Polish) 97/97; Oliver Evers (German) 98/94 for
Halmich. I scored it 99/93 for Reid who put on a fine display.
She was constantly staggering the champion and backing her up with
really solid left/right combinations interspersed with effective
body punching. In fact I thought two or three times in the course of
the fight that she was going to send Regina to the canvas. Though
clearly (and understandably) upset, Elena was gracious about
the denial of victory. However, she did say in a post fight
interview that she would like to come over and fight Regina again
and "win even better" next time. Good on you, girl. The German crowd
clearly loved you and shared your disappointment
Jon F. of UK |
It seems that there is a growing
amount of 'Anti-Regina Halmich' fans developing out there, including
those that have fought her. Perhaps, I should be the U.S. Chapter
President of The Anti-Regina Halmich Fan Club! Longjab |
Baby Doll Reid should be the Champ.
No If And's or Buts! About the Draw, BS! Ray GR -
United States |
Translated from Germany: The German Boxing press website headlines
their story: " Halmich keeps title through questionable draw"
Here are some excerpts from the article, translated. The
writer, Dr. Constantin Hofmann, was in the arena for the fight. He
scored the bout 98-96 for Reid, giving all close rounds to Halmich
as her "home town bonus" He writes in his report, that Elena Read
fought aggressively from the start, and that Halmich never found the
means to counter the strong punching southpaw from the US. Halmich
fought bravely and went forward herself, but she simply took too
many punches. She proved that she could give as well as take, and
didn't shy away from taking risks, but Reid simply threw more and
cleaner punches in most of the rounds. Even if you gave two or three
close rounds to the world champion, anybody with some boxing
knowledge must have realised, that she didn't do enough this time,
if everything was done right and square. But it didn't. The first
judge saw a reasonable 97-93 , the second saw a dubious 98-98, while
the third seemed to have been at another arena for another fight. No
other explanation can be found for a hardly defendable 94-98 in
favour of Halmich, which saved Halmich a draw and thereby kept her
title. Halmich was unusually reserved at the following press
conference. She admitted, that she would have accepted, if Reid had
been judged 1 point ahead and won the bout. She thought that the
booing was out of place, as it was a very close fight. Her trainer
Thorsten Schmitz was more to the point. "We went away with a black
eye". Elena Reid was remarkably fair in her comments. She avoided
to use terms like of wrong decision or even scandal, even though
everybody present would have understood. "You all know, boxing is
boxing". She thanked her fans and said she was pleased to be in
Germany. Both fighters expressed, that they would look forward to a
return fight."
Link to the copyrighted story |
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