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Percival Wins Pro Debut!
By Mara Castillon
June 19, 2004 |
MONTEBELLO, CA.-Fontana’s Heather Percival returned to the ring after
several years and defeated the lean and tough Tracy Carlton at the Quiet
Cannon Country Club on Friday.
It was Percival’s pro debut. She had formerly been a top ranking amateur but
left boxing for personal reasons.
Percival (1-0), who fights out of the Fontana Boxing Club and is trained by
Larry and Frank Ramirez – father and son team – began the first round
circling left and right behind a stiff steady jab. Though Carlton was the
taller fighter, Percival’s jab found its mark repeatedly. At the end of the
round Carlton landed two counter rights.
The second round saw Carlton (1-3) use her counter right to open the stanza.
The jolting shots snapped Percival’s head back but when Carlton tried to
follow up, the Fontana fighter moved left or right and pivoted out of the
danger zone like a seasoned pro.
Percival landed several one-twos that snapped Carlton’s head back. Angered
by the punches, Carlton chased her opponent and landed a solid right hand
that may have won her the round.
In the third round Carlton began using her height to avoid the jabs and
leaned back to avoid punches. Percival adjusted her jabs and began following
with rights that found Carlton’s head repeatedly, Though the Compton fighter
was hit many times she never wavered in trying to land one of her own. On
occasion she rocked Percival with punches that had some snap to them.
The final round saw Percival go back to the jab with Carlton countering with
rights. But not enough punching by Cartlon told the story for the judges.
Percival won her first pro fight by scores 40-36 twice and 39-37.
“She had been away for three years,” said Larry Ramirez trainer. “She had a
lot of good sparring with Mariana Juarez and Rhonda Luna. That’s what makes
a difference. It’s the sparring.” |