(SEPT 25) William
Shakespeare, a celebrated playwright of note once penned, "Our doubts
are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to
attempt." Jackie Kallen, a boxing figure of note, has had a career that
goes far to prove the validity of those words. You've probably heard of
Jackie Kallen; maybe it was when she was managing the burgeoning career
of James Toney; possibly, it was
as a result of the movie, "Against
the Ropes", based on that part of Kallen's life; or maybe you've
seen her co-hosting the NBC-TV boxing reality show, "The
Contender "
Jackie Kallen has been around and for as long as she has, she has
always faced doubts, not from within, but from others who constantly
carped that she couldn't, or shouldn't, do things that had not been done
before, particularly by a woman. But almost always, Kallen ignored those
doubts and, seeming to heed the words of the immortal Bard, never feared
the attempt. I recently spoke with Kallen, by phone, from Los Angeles,
in a wide ranging interview that covered several aspects of her wide
ranging career.
Jackie Kallen comes to boxing with the legitimacy that a great fight
town such as Detroit confers, "It was hockey, first, for me, growing
up", Kallen remembers, "but my grandmother, a schoolteacher, had Joe
Louis as a student, so I heard a lot about boxing, early. In 1978, I was
working for a suburban newspaper outside Detroit and I interviewed Thomas Hearns. Shortly
thereafter, I took a job doing publicity for him and that led me to
increasing involvement in the sport of boxing and eventually resulted in
my management of James Toney."
In those days, the 70's and 80's, boxing in Detroit meant the
Kronk Gym. "It was one of the
first and best lessons I received in the sport," Jackie recalls, "the
importance of good management, in that case, Emmanuel Steward. The sport
is littered with stories about how weak and ineffectual management leads
to the downfall of some very good fighters....the former heavyweight
champion, ' the baddest man on the planet ' is a case study. Kronk's
management style was to take almost every fighter that came into the
gym, evaluate each one and pick the best of the best and provide them
with total hands-on management. In that way Kronk was operating in the
boxing business the very same way Berry Gordy and Motown Records was
running their music business. Two Detroit businesses, both doing it
exactly the right way, and, as a result, getting to the top."
Following her association with James Toney, Kallen eventually found her
way into the world of Women's boxing. She was commissioner of the IFBA (International Female Boxers
Association) and subsequently managed
McConnell, a 4-1 fighter from Portland, OR. and
was preparing newcomer Demi Nguyen for her professional boxing debut.
She recently gave up management responsibility for McConnell and Nguyen
when she became associated with Arnie Rosenthal and
Ken Weiss and their syndicated TV show, "A
Ring of Their Own."It's a unique programming effort," enthuses
Kallen, "all-female boxing shows featuring quality fighters in
competitive bouts. It gets away from the usual big name female fighter
in against a "walkover" opponent."
If you haven't seen "A Ring of Their Own", it's an action packed two
hours, edited to eliminate much of the "down time", the minute between
rounds for example, and the result is more ring action than any other
boxing program, male or female, currently on the air. Add the fact that
Women's boxing features fast paced two minutes rounds and the result is
a boxing show well worth searching the dial for. Kallen notes that the
primary goal of the show is to establish selected quality fighters on
the syndicated shows, culminating with a PPV special, where the "best of
the best" fighters square off against each other. "It's a programming
formula that has worked for Vince McMahon and the WWE," Kallen notes,
"and we feel it's a perfect fit for the sport of Women's boxing."
"A Ring of Their Own" has signed
Elena Reid,
a top rated bantamweight,
Asa Sandell,
an undefeated super middleweight from Sweden, and
Brown, the
newly crowned WIBC/WIBF super bantamweight champion, to contracts for
appearances on the program. Reid and Sandell will be featured in the
next show scheduled for October 8 at Harrahs Casino in Laughlin, NV.
Kallen's experience overcoming challenges in the boxing business will be
put to good use with "A Ring of Their Own." As a syndicated TV show, it
does not have a regularly scheduled time slot, relying on local
clearances for airings, usually scheduled two or three weeks after the
"live" card. The TV show currently does not a clearance in the New York
television market, a major gap in national coverage. But Jackie Kallen
has a "been there, been through that" attitude, "We're (Arnie Rosenthal
and Ken Weiss) continually trying to upgrade our TV clearances and, of
course, New York is a major priority. We're also in the process of
putting together a highlight reel of our past shows, which should make
believers out of a lot of skeptics as far as the sport of Women's boxing
is concerned. Our goal is to get a permanent time slot, maybe on one of
the niche, alternative programming cable networks, Spike TV as an
example. Believe me, when those ' TV suits ' get a look at the highlight
reel, some eyes are going to be opened."
Women's boxing on TV has never been an easy sell, as evidenced by the
fact that the self-proclaimed programming pinnacle of boxing, HBO, has
yet to broadcast a female bout in the over thirty years they've been
televising "live" bouts. "A Ring of Their Own" is still in it's
formative stages, but with Jackie Kallen on board, one gets the feeling
that the growth may be about to accelerate.
Kallen is a big believer in the sport of Women's boxing. "All you have
to do", she notes, "is spend some time in a gym and watch these women
work their butts off, not just one or two but every one of them; they're
all working as hard as they can. This is not a knock on the guys, but,
women just seem to take it more seriously, they go hard all the time.
And that's why the talent in the sport has never been deeper. The female
fighters are now turning ' pro ' out of gyms, not out of tough-women
contests or martial arts, but out of gyms and the amateur ranks and when
they're ready to (professionally) debut, they know how to box, not
fight, box.
Kallen continued, "The sport is still growing and there's only upside
for female fighters. The examples of the LPGA, the women's tennis tour
and the WNBA indicate that the time is right for women in the sports
world. Female boxers don't have the benefit of a tie-in with the male
sport like the tennis tour, which plays at the same major tournament
venues as the men, and certainly not like the WNBA, which is directly
subsidized by the NBA. But, there's no question in my mind, this is the
time for women in the ring."
Kallen, who last season was a co-host on the critically acclaimed NBC
show, "The Contender", was asked whether she could envision a female
version of the show, which, this year, will be broadcast on ESPN.
"That's on my wish list", Kallen replied. "In fact I think that 16 women
in the same house, competing in the ring would make a great show. Their
' back stories ' are so much more diverse than the men. You have college
graduates, truck drivers, straight women, gay women and the drive that
got each of those women into the gym in the first place adds up to some
very compelling stories. Do I think it will happen? It's a long shot.
Going to ESPN gives the show much more of a niche appeal, the viewers on
that network are mainly male sports fans and it might not be the best
programming environment for a female ' Contender ', and that's a shame
because it's a great concept."
As far as the second season of the "Contender", Kallen is disappointed
that NBC didn't give the show more time to develop. "I thought we
received enough critical praise from the mainstream press to warrant
another year on NBC. The ratings weren't huge, but the ratings weren't
huge for ' Seinfeld ' or ' Cheers ' in their first years and those shows
turned out pretty well when they were given time to build an audience."
Right now Jackie Kallen's primary focus is "A Ring of Their Own" and the
sport of Women's boxing. Both the show and the sport are looking at an
uphill climb. But Jackie Kallen is used to uphill climbs. She climbed
those boxing hills before; she's climbed those TV hills before; arriving
at the top of the sport with James Toney and at the top in TV with the
"Contender." Along with Ken Weiss and Arnie Rosenthal, Jackie Kallen is
part of a formidable team that Kallen states, has as a goal, "...to move
the sport forward for generations (of female boxers) to come and blaze a
new trail in the sports and TV world." Jackie Kallen has done it before
and it would be foolish to bet against her this time, but no matter what
happens, one thing is certain, it won't be because of Jackie Kallen
"fearing to attempt" to climb the hill. Bernie McCoy
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