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(JAN 6) WBAN has a NEW and IMPROVED system to search the
records member's site and to find links tosome of the WBAN's multimedia
information on one page for any boxer. This new "MASTER SEARCH"
system was created by Dee Williams.
You can easily SEARCH for a BOXER by NAME or by WEIGHT CLASS (a great
tool for looking for opponents in the proper weight class). Also, the
MASTER SEARCH provides an easy way to locate all of our large photos and
MPEG clips of any particular boxer because the indexing of some of the
main galleries
is included on each boxer's record search page.
MASTER SEARCH also has capabilities to locate and show WBAN's thumbnail
photos of the women boxers; to search the results of well over 5000
fights by the boxers' names or by the country or the date of the fight,
and to search for links to the boxer's own websites! Finally, its
Upcoming Fights calendar lists
all of the details we have available for the women boxers on upcoming
MASTER SEARCH is THE BEST tool on the net today to easily find
information about women boxers. Between the fight record, photos and
videos, upcoming fights, detailed profiles, and website info---this IS
something that has not been done all together on any boxer site before!
The old system for looking up the boxer's records will still be on the
members' site until WBAN transforms those pages to contain only
miscellaneous info, such as fight reports, editorials, and other text
data---but eventually those pages will not house the records, and the
MASTER SEARCH will be THE way to look up boxers on this site.
Dee Williams has done a FANTASTIC job in presenting and creating this
excellent MASTER SEARCH Engine! What a great addition to WBAN for 2006!
Member's Site
To Become a
WBAN Records Member
or RENEW your Subscription! |
You will have
"unlimited" access to
video streaming, over 10,000 Photographs, boxing
records. and more! For more details and
information you
can go here!
After you
sign up for the unlimited use, WBAN will email you a
password within four to eight hours!