(MAR 8) WBAN has been notified by Team
Cristy Nickel-Terherst that she just learned that she has been chosen to be
on the MTV Show, "MADE."
Cristy will start on March 20th, and it will end on May 8th for the
programming. She will be going back and forth the entire time,
3-4 days a week to Tampa, Florida, where she will be training and
coaching a designated 16-year old girl, who has never boxed in her
life, and will be preparing for her first real competition in USA
Boxing. The concept is to "MAKE this girl a boxer".
Team Nickel-Terherst said, "She will continue her
boxing career after this May 8th date, She WILL be boxing in Albany
,NY next week, March 17th."
Photo Gallery of
Christy Nickel-Terherst:
Gallery #257
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