(MAR 16) The day was March 16, 1996--10
years ago. The venue: MGM Hotel, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Christy
Martin was fighting Deirdre Gogarty in a six-rounder on the
undercard of a televised boxing card featuring Mike Tyson vs. Frank
Bruno. The two stole the show!
Martin became an instant media star, being featured on many
television features, and donned the front cover of Sports
Illustrated magazine.

Martin won the bout in this toe-to-toe
action, that made the Tyson fight a disappointing men’s heavyweight
title bout. The Martin-Gogarty battle was seen in an estimated 30
million homes and in over 100 countries!
Gogarty, a skilled boxer, found holes in Martin's defense and
bloodied Christy's nose but was unable to blunt the heavier boxer's
attack. It was a boxer-slugger confrontation, with the slugger
The image of the bloodied
Martin battling to outpoint Gogarty (who recovered from a
knockdown to make an exciting fight of it) brought more
attention to women's boxing than any other single event
before or since. It took the sight of a female boxer
bleeding like a stuck pig while winning her fight that put
our sport on the world's media radar in 1996! |