(MAY 10) I would like to respond to
Bernie's Story,
"When the time is right." He is right on with everything he said. As
insignificant as this may be, I WILL spend my hard-earned money to
fly to Vegas or L.A. or wherever to see a women's championship bout
between two top-ranked fighters.
Last July, my coach Tom bought plane
tickets, hotel rooms and ringside seats
to the Martin/Rijker fight on the 31st in Vegas. Of course, since it
did not take place, he and I went anyway, and used the
weekend for some sparring there (and laying by the pool working on
my tan--hey, isn't that part of being "ring-ready?") since
there was no way to get a refund on the reservations.

Look, we all know that most female
fighters all fight their hearts out. There are almost all very
entertaining fights and worth the money, effort and time off work
(time off training, in our case) to go and support. Please! Let's
get some top-ranked females together and let's have ourselves a
good, ole' fashion brawl! I will be there in my long sequence dress,
sitting ringside, sipping on a cocktail, screaming so loud until my
voice is gone, all the while wishing I was the one in the ring with
blood dripping down my lip. Come on ladies!