(AUG 17) WBAN has been in contact with
Summer DeLeon, an impressive boxer who fought from 1998 to 2002.
Summer told WBAN that she now has two children, and that she works
about 48 hours a week at a youth treatment center for teens.
Summer told WBAN, “I LOVE what I do there and it is my passion of
mine to help teens through life and find the right path to better

As far as boxing is concerned, Summer
said, “My trainer (Livingston Bramble) is currently in New York
working and training, we are in the process of trying to figure out
a way of getting me back in the ring.. It is a possibility for me to
go to New York and train, we are trying to work that out.. But, if
that does not work than we will have to figure out a way of doing it
here, and that is fine by me.”
“I am very eager to be back in the ring and I miss it so much”,
added Summer.