(NOV 10)
Today the weigh-in for the Klitchko vs
Brock undercard was held at Madison Square Garden. The atmosphere
was buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the Laila Ali vs.
Shelley Burton appearance.
Prior to the actual weigh-in everyone in
attendance had the opportunity to meet and visit with both Ali and
Burton. While Ali is, of course, comfortable with a crowd like this,
Burton was a little shy. "This is my dream, said Burton. When I
first started boxing I wanted to fight her because of the name. But
as I continued boxing I wanted to fight her because I believe I can
win." Although both fighters have their own style the one thing they
do have in common is class. [below photos by Lori Steinhorst]

Photos by Lori Steinhorst
Ali weighed
166.5, and Burton, 164. WBAN has been told that HBO will be
showing some "highlights" of the Ali-Burton bout.