Since Zulina Muñoz waltzed into her backyard in February and robbed
her of her unbeaten record – (by a stoppage, too, to add to the
indignity!) – sixteen-year-old Irazema de la Fuente is not a
nice person to be around.
The first to discover this was Malena Ramírez of Tierra Blanca, who
shared a ring with her two weeks later on the "Buscando un
Campeón" card. It was not an experience she'll be looking
back on with nostalgia any day soon: "The pupil of Pedro Chávez was
devastating: swift and ruthless," wrote Miguel Scagno of Notiver. "Ramírez
couldn't lay a glove on her, as she combined jabs, crosses,
uppercuts…" – (clearly, a well-schooled assassin) – "…with the
brutal, bruising attrition of her formidable right hand."
A "machine for delivering blows", Scagno called her, picturing, I
imagine, one of those medieval siege engines – a 'ballista', perhaps
– catapulting rocks at a fortress wall. Ramírez took it for a
minute… For two minutes, even… But four minutes of cruel, obdurate
pounding were more than she was prepared to endure. Midway through
the second round, she abandoned; and the white flag was hoisted
hastily above the citadel while it still had a future, at least, as
a tourist attraction.
On Sunday night, it was the same story. Except that, this time, it
was Cristina Ramos Mora of the Federal District that was in the
wrong place at the wrong time. Seven years Irazema's senior, and
with a respectable (7-3-0) record, Ramos Mora must have thought she
stood a good chance.
She stood no chance. Like a snowman in the path of a bulldozer, she
was swept perfunctorily aside. "It was a rout from beginning to
end," according to El Dictamen, with the woman from the capital
suffering what Notiver called "a devastating knockout" in the second
A blow to the ego at the best of times; but a thousand times more
mortifying when inflicted by a child.
Not all Cristinas are rubble or slush, though, this morning in
Veracruz: Fifteen-year-old Cristina Coderre was taking no prisoners
either, though her victim isn't named in either of the reports I've
seen. It was announced on Sunday that her scheduled opponent, Andrea
Chacón of the Federal District, had injured her foot and been
refused permission to participate; but it appears that neither
reporter caught the name of her replacement – or even the fight.
However, Moreno Celis's account of the evening's events, which deals
mainly with the male bouts, would appear to indicate that Coderre
won inside the distance, without specifying how.
So I guess we'll never know whether the object of the younger of the
two Cristinas' onslaught surrendered or was razed peremptorily to
the ground.
* *
VENUE: Hotel Calinda, Veracruz (Mexico)
DATE: 22 April 2006
Over 4 rounds at welterweight: Irazema de la Fuente (16) of Veracruz
defeated Cristina Ramos Mora (23) of the Federal District by
knockout in the second round
Over 4 rounds at flyweight: Cristina ("La Pantera Negra") Coderre
(15) of Veracruz won inside the distance (other details unknown)
[Sources: Sergio Moreno Celis (El Dictamen), Miguel Scagno ( Notiver)]
Cabrera Avila
FOOTNOTE (with apologies for being an anorak)
Although in the sole published profile of de la
Fuente, and in most of the previews and reports of her fights, her
name is spelt with an "s", Scagno, who also (initially) spelt it "Irasema",
stated categorically in his account of her demolition of Malena
Ramírez (Gran
Triunfo de Irazema de la Fuente
– Notiver, March 26th) that the correct way to spell it
is with a "z"; so we can only assume that she, or some member of her
family, has corrected him. And since (the setback against Zulina
Muñoz notwithstanding) we are clearly going to hear a great deal
more of Irazema de la Fuente, it seems appropriate to set the record
And while we're on the subject of setting the record straight…
Apparently it never occurred to my gigabuck/gigabyte PC that "Irasema
de la Fuente" and "Irazema de la Fuente" might conceivably be one
and the same person; which is why last week I missed the
abovementioned account of her March triumph and reported erroneously
that she hadn't fought since February. (Apologies for that, too.
And for misspelling her name.)
Next time, I'm getting a Mac!
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