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Amateur Boxing News
April 2, 2008
Source: Angel Bovee |
(APR 2) What is the AAC?The Athlete
Advisory Council
of USA Boxing is a group of nine athlete volunteers voted in by
athletes to advocate their interests in all areas of USA Boxing and
to ensure athletes have 20% representation in all decision-making
processes of USA Boxing.
Three National Representatives are needed on the AAC.
Upcoming National Representative Elections:
Athlete elections for three AAC national representatives will be
taking place in May of 2008. The nomination process is from March
1-April 15. We have changed the election process to make it more
inclusive for all athletes of USAB. To run for one of these three
positions, you must:
*Have been a registered USA Boxing Athlete Member at least 60 days
prior to the date of the election.
*Be at least 18 years old and a citizen of the United States.
*Be able to physically attend two meetings a year (expenses paid)
and be available about once a month for a teleconference meeting.
*Be truly interested in working HARD to represent all athletes of
To run for one of these national representative positions, simply
fill out a nomination form available on the
www.usaboxing.org web site or call the National Office to have
one mailed to you.
USA Boxing
1 Olympic Plaza
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 866-2300
You will then be placed on the ballot with the other candidates.
Voting will occur May 1-June 1.
Election Timeline
March 1-April 15
Nominations for National Representatives
Voting for National Representatives
June 2
National Representatives take office