(AUG 19) This week in a news article
that was on Yahoo Sports, AIBA (The International Boxing
Association) president Wu Ching-Kuo, said that they would press to
introduce women’s boxing in the 2012 London Olympics.
Flash from the past - 1976
Boxing Poll
in the Sports Illustrated Magazine

Poll to get input from boxing fans about women boxers being part
of the Olympics held in this magazine 32 years ago and we still have
not seen women's boxers included in the Olympics...
President Wu Ching-Kuo
was quoted as saying after a meeting of the AIBA’s executive
committee in Beijing, “We will make a proposal and submit it to the
International Olympic Committee, boxing is the only sport in the
Olympic program without women and we believe we are ready.”
“There would be 11 weight classes, like in men’s boxing, and the
bouts would held over four two-minute rounds, with existing
world and continental championships used as qualifiers,” stated
Joyce Bowen, who chairs the ruling body’s women’s commission.
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