(AUG 3) Ashley Alvarado (red trunks)
115lbs wins by TKO over Shimone Brooks (camo trunks) 122lbs in the
2nd round of a scheduled 4 round bout. Shimone Brooks, normally an
MMA fighter, took this bout as a last minute replacement for a
fighter going by the name of Alyx Luck.

Ashley Alvarado
Round One
Both fighters appeared to need no "feeling out" time as they
came out swinging. But soon, Alvarado began to pick Brooks apart
like a pitbull shredding a raggedy-ann doll, switching from
orthodox to southpaw so fluidly, leaving the spectators hungry
for more in the style of this boxer. Brooks was game. Knocked
down by a flurry of punches in the last 10 seconds, she got up
with resolve and vengence as the bell rang, signaling the end to
round one.

Shimone Brooks

Round Two
Alvarado continued with the switch-hitter assault into the
second round, and soon her game opponent was looking at the
canvas again. Brooks managed to rise before the count and meet
the referree with gloves up at chest level, but then backed up
and appeared to be leaning slightly against the corner ropes.
The referee wisely waves off the fight.
Ashley Alvarado now stands at 2 wins, no losses, no draws, both
wins by TKO!
By Pat Butaud (deceased), Undefeated magazine