(AUG 16) WBAN has received an update
on Phyllis Kugler
[McCormick], a boxer in the 1950's, who had over 50 fights that
included exhibitions, with only one loss is one of the most
prominent women boxers in the past, and played a significant part in
the world of women's boxing. Biography] Kugler-McCormick told WBAN the following:
"After my boxing career, I taught
boxing for a few years, then moved to Columbia City, Indiana. I
had five children, Brent, Scot, Todd, and Jill. My first born, Randy
died at the age of 5 1/2 from acute pneumonia. That was
absolutely the worst thing that ever happened in my life. After
that, I knew, If I could not make it through that, I could make
it through anything.
My manager, Johnny Nate moved to California with his family and
died in 1968 at the young age of 55.
I was divorced in 1969, then moved with my children to Marlow,
New Hampshire, (a little town outside Keene). We lived there
only about 1 1/2 years before moving back to Indiana to be near
family, and started over again.
I bought a house, and worked at the South Bend Self-Development
Center. I also worked for Madison Center's (S.O.S), a sex
offense service--a rape crisis center.
At the age of 48, I decided to go to college. In my first year
Psychology class, I am sitting next to my "19-year old
daughter." Now if that's not an incentive to do well---I don't
know what else is!
At age 50, I married again. My husband, Steve, was a business
agent for Teamsters and has two daughter's Allison and Sara.
A new psychiatric hospital opened in Brewan, Indiana, and I got
a job there working in the adult In-Patient ward.
During my employment at the hospital, I took a trip to Russia
with a small group of other mental health workers from different
states. The purpose of the trip, we were to visit their mental
health facilities, and gain some perspective on their methods of
treatment. I was there for three weeks, a month before the wall
coming down (1989).
After returning, I gave seminar's and a slide presentation to
different clubs and organizations on my experiences of what I
had learned. I really loved doing that.
I've always loved fashion, so I eventually left the mental
health profession and decided to own my own ladies boutique.
During this time, I put on many fashion shows and also did a
program for the college on "How to dress when applying for a
job." I continued with this until I retired at the age of 64.
My husband and I then moved to Surprise, Arizona, just outside
of Phoenix. The lure here, besides the weather, are the
activities that are available in the area. I have participated
in Yoga, Tai-Chi, Pilates, Zumba, water aerobics, swim lessons,
and many more. I did it all-and it has been great! We even had a
Olympics here and I got a gold medal.

In 2006, my husband and I went to
Hawaii. The first day, we went hiking and it started raining. I
slipped and hit a rock, and broke my ankle. After the ankle
healed, they found out I had torn ligaments and other issues
that made me limp for about a year and I really couldn't do much
during that time. Also, during this time, I found out I had
"severe" degenerative disc in my back and could never lift heavy
weights again---not a good year!

We did go back to Hawaii again,
this last October, and had a wonderful time. This time I didn't
go hiking---I went parasailing. It turned out to be much safer
and a lot more fun.
I am now back to working out again, but on a much lower scale
than before. Swim, water aerobics, treadmill, light weight &
I'm still in touch with my trainer, Johnny Nate's brother who is
now 90 years old. He still lives in Indiana and is in a nursing
home, after a bad car accident. I spoke with his daughter, Kathy
frequently, and she keeps me informed on his condition.
My hobbies now, besides working out are reading, travel, sewing,
cooking, entertaining, going to parties, plays, movies, and
dining out.
I am now 74 years old. I have eight grand children and five
great-grand children. We are all in good health and enjoying
life. Everybody is just fine! Phyllis Kugler McCormick"
WBAN would like to thank Phyllis for taking the time to give an
update to the boxing community!