(JUNE 4) There is a different
Christy Martin in town. There is no fluff….this is a gritty,
determined, self-confident women who is rising from the depths
of a life changing experience the likes of which most of us will
never see. Although Christy has always been tough…it is not
about tough anymore. Christy Martin has been reborn. Having
escaped the clutch of a vengeful and brutal assault that came
close to taking her life, Christy Martin emerged with a powerful
sense of who she is and what she does. An old school fighter
with a new sense of passion and commitment to a sport she has
been in love with for years.
In her trainer Miguel Diaz she has found wisdom, tempered with
technique and skill development. With her Attorney Gloria Allred
at her side, Christy has found friendship, strength and support.
In her personal life she has surrounded herself with a renewed
sense love and respect. If it is true that a great foundation is
the key to success, then Christy holds the keys.

While at the press conference
Dakota Stone told Christy that she did not win their last
pugilistic meeting, and with Mia St. John shouting at her that
she had not won that match up either, a confident and elegant
smile emerged from Christy and she graciously extended an
invitation to show them both the exit a losing fighter takes
from the ring.

There is something different
about Christy, she is calm, self assured and emanates a sense of
peace. Having recently had the bullet that had lodged in her
back removed and her wounds fully healed, including a fracture
of the 5th rib on the left side, Martin cannot be dissuaded from
perusing what she feels is her rightful destiny, to remain a
For Dakota Stone it is an
opportunity to back up what she believes to be the truth, that
she won their last encounter.

All in All for me, the most
important thing is that Christy Martin has emerged from a
life-threatening experience as a Champion over domestic
violence, a Champion in the fight for her life and if she is
successful in defending her title….well that just makes her a
triple threat. Either way…no matter how it goes down, Christy
will still be a Champion on many levels.