(AUG 30) On Saturday August
25th at the Pacifica Moose Lodge decorated boxers and champions
from 9 - 33 years old came from all over the West Coast to
battle it out at the “Beautiful Brawlers II” promoted by Blanca
Gutierrez, BabyFace Boxing.

Boxer Megan Siordia, former Heavy
Weight Champion Martha Salazar, and coach and promoter Blanca
The boxers who come to this show
know they are boxing the best in their weight class and age
divisions and knowing that there will be only one persons hand
raised at the end of the bout which makes the battles even more
competitive and exciting. Since 17 year old Claressa Shields was
the only American to capture Gold and Marlen Esparza the only
American to capture a Bronze medal at the Olympics, we have seen
a surge in females wanting to get ready for the next Olympics
which is in Rio in 2016.

Alyson Vejar Mitey Mites (Black) and
Destiny Navaro, Sparta (Black and pink)
By promoting female
shows, we are building a foundation for female boxing. This show
I focused on matching boxers 15 and under.
The more competitive experience these young boxers get, the
better chance we have for a stronger showing at National events
which qualify for the trials. Most of the time, it’s difficult
for females to get quality bouts on local shows. Not enough
promoters or matchmakers take the extra effort to match them
evenly and put on competitive bouts. When you go to national
tournaments you don’t know who will show up in your weight class
and many times females will win titles by walkover or by boxing
a less competitive boxer. I put together this show with love and
respect for the sweet science and as a place where “the best of
the best” can meet up at one place and take center stage.

Best bout of the
evening 13 years and under: Pitted Megan Siordia from BabyFace
Boxing against Ariana Garcia from Double Punches Gym. This was a
non- stop novice battle with barrages of punches being thrown
each and every round. I don’t know how the judges can score a
bout like this because each boxer threw, countered and defended
and threw more. This was an extremely close fight but in the end
Garcia’s hand was raised.

World Champion Melissa
McMorrow, Casey Morton, Lisa Porter, Maritsa Guilan and Poula
Estrada, Best Bouts of the night 14 yrs up

65-lb boxers Melissa
Monroy (white and red) vs Haley Zepada (Black and white)
Best Bout 14 – 16 years old was 2012
World Ringside Champion, Danika Lara, Sparta Team, El Central
against 2012 JO National Champion, Marisol Lopez, Kings Gym,
Atwater, CA- this bout was a beautiful display of skill and
talent. Each boxer had their moments and each boxer threw
perfect combinations. Although the bout was close, Lopez hand
was raised as the winner. We will be seeing each of these girls
in the 2012 Olympics! I would put my money on it.

Team Sparta getting their hands

Ellie Salinas- Best boxer of
the tournament 13 years and under
Best bout of the night open above 17 was a tie between 2 bouts:
In the Semi Main Event: Lisa Porter from Gio’s Gym in Burbank
fought a tough and game Maritsa Guilan, Mity Mites, Nevada and
this bout was an all out war. Porter came into this bout
throwing brutal punches and landing but Guilan came back with
punishing counter blows that would set the tone for the rest of
the bout. In the second round, the referee after a couple of
warnings for holding decided to stop the bout and take points
away from each boxer. Guilan started countering Porters jab
right hook combinations and answering with jab and huge overhand
rights which were landing. As the boxers tied up again, the
referee tried to pull them apart, and Lisa Porter threw 3 blows
after they were pulled apart and Guilan answered back with a
shoulder bump while walking away. Guilan got penalized again and
points taken away. (The officiating in this fight was just
atrocious.) Guilan gets points taken away yet Porter was free to
hit her with 3 punches after they were pulled apart, without any
points taken from her. The third round of the bout was the most
action packed as an all out war ensued. In the end, Guilan not
only won the Beautiful Brawlers Belt but took home Best Boxer of
the Tournament. Lisa Porter and Maritsa Guilan stole the show.

Boxers waiting for the doctor

Melissa Mc Morrow with Sparta
Team, El Centro CA

Boxer Ayla Hernandez, Babyface
getting hands wrapped
by coach Eliza Olson

Blanca Gutierrez and Jerry Hoffman,
ring announcer

Coach Louie Vanezuela, Duarte
Boxing with his boxer Stephanie Valde
In the Main event we brought the 2012 Addidas National Champion
Casey Morton, B Street Boxing, San Mateo and Poula Estrada, 2012
Mexican Games Champion, AV Boxing, Palm Desert. The crowd was on
their feet throughout the bout since Morton is the local
favorite. Estrada took the first round to throw jabs and feel
her opponent out and this game plan worked. In the first round
Estrada and Morton were mixing it up with Morton landing more
punches of the beginning of the round. Estrada, once figuring
out her opponent landed a jab right combination that took Casey
off her feet and onto the canvas. Casey quickly got up to a
standing eight count. Once that count was over Morton launched
an attack of her own. Very impressive first round for both.
Second round saw Estrada and Morton in nonstop action. The crowd
was on their feet and yelling out for both boxers as they
continued to press the bout at a fast pace with many
combinations being thrown. In the 3rd and final round, Estrada
started timing Morton and picking her apart with devastating
blows yet Morton did not give up. This was an amazing bout with
two quality opponents that showed ring generalship and respect
for one another after the bout. It’s bouts like these that give
Women’s boxing a good name.
The champions who boxed at this show who have set 2016 Olympics
as a goal. 15 year old Junior Olympic Champion Marisol Lopez, 14
year old 2012 World Ringside Champion Danika Lara, 17 year old
Maritsa Guillan who is the 2012 PAL and Silver Gloves champion.
All of these girls were standouts on the show who show great
promise of standing on that podium receiving medals in 2016.

Megan Siordia and Ariana
Garcia – best bout 13 years and under

winner Iris Contreras, DF
Boxing and her coach/dad

winner Federica Bianco, State Street
Boxing gym, Santa Barbara, CA

Ayana Brumsfeld, Baby
Face and Valerie Ontiveros, Ocean Boxing
As an amateur female Promoter I am proud to throw these events.
Martha Salazar, Eliza Olson and I are all doing our best to
bring female boxing to the next level. We packed the house.
There was no sitting or standing room left. Jerry Hoffman did an
excellent job ring announcing and it was such a joy to work with
him. World Champion Melissa Mc Morrow picked the best bouts of
the night and best boxers of the night. All the girls were
inspired by Melissa as she took pictures and mingled with all
the boxers. She is a true world champion and a class act. I am
so honored that she played such a key role at our event. A big
thank you to our sponsors: The Pacifica Moose Lodge, Trinity
Electric, Hilder’s Builders, Eddy Barretto with BTIG, Pigskin
Productions, Vince’s Shell Fish and Carol Kuznitsky who helped
to make this event even better than last year.
Here are the results of all the bouts:
Melissa Monroy (Caballero BC) dec. Haley Zepeda (Vacaville PAL)
Brenda Gutierrez (Caballero BC) dec. Tatiana Almaraz (Old School
Jasmine Jones (Vacaville PAL) dec. Becky Villagran (Pacific Ring
Graciela Ortega (Caballero BC) dec. Jessica Juarez (Ocean
Ariana Garcia (Double Punches BC) dec. Megan Siondia (BabyFace
Ayana Brumfield (Orgullo Boxing) dec. Valerie Ontiveros (Ocean
Destiny Navarro (Sparta BC) dec. Alyson Vejar (Mighty Mites)
Veronica Hernandez (Dreamland BC) dec. Odalys Camacho
Ellie Salinas (Velarde's TC) dec. Clarissa Hernandez (Sparta BC)
Jessica Galvez (Mighty Mites) dec. Adriana Ramirez (Fat City BC)
Marisol Lopez (Avenal King's BC) dec. Danika Lara (Sparta BC)
Stephanie Valdez (Duarte BC) dec. Samantha Enriquez (Sparta BC)
Martha Fabela (Oakland BC) RSC-1 Ayla Sagote (BabyFace BC)
Ariel Arismendez (Hard Knocks Gym) dec. Renata Ramirez (Duarte
Iris Contreras (DF Boxing) dec. Joselina Ortega (Velarde's TC)
Maritsa Guillen (Mighty Mites) dec. Lisa Porter (Matador Boxing)
Rebekka Holt (3rd St. Gym) dec. Kayla Jones (Warm Springs Indian
Federica Bianco (State Street Boxing) dec. Maddy Banuan (3rd St.
Paola Estrada (Av Boxing) dec. Casey Morton (B Street Boxing)
FIGHT OF THE NIGHT 13-AND-UNDER: Garcia vs. Siordia
FIGHT OF THE NIGHT 14-AND OVER (TIE): Guillen vs. Porter,
Estrada vs. Morton
BEST BOXER 13-AND-UNDER: Ellie Salinas (Velarde's TC)
BEST BOXER 14-AND-OVER: Maritsa Guillen (Mighty Mites)