(SEPT 21) When not penning her
party tips, Pippa can now be found donning a pair of boxing
gloves. And she’s not the only toff enjoying a good pummelling,
as Rosamund Urwin reports
Pippa the party-planner has become Pippa the party-planning
pugilist. Middle Middy, the quasi-royal whose bottom made the
Kate ’n’ Wills nuptials bearable for the nation’s perverts,
revealed at the weekend that she has taken up boxing training.
In a column for the Telegraph which so often crossed the line
into self-parody that satirists soon realised they had nothing
left to milk from Ms Middleton (“this dingy location — a former
air-raid shelter — under a railway arch was a club, but not the
sort I was familiar with: no VIP areas here” etc), she praised
the ancient art: “It’s a remedy for the mind, body and soul,
both exhilarating and exhausting.”
Apparently, she was attracted to the sport to strengthen her
biceps for cross-country skiing and because she wanted the body
of Hilary Swank in the 2004-film Million Dollar Baby (this dated
reference allowed her a little plug for Vanity Fair, who
photographed Swank and where our Pip is also a columnist. You
can’t claim the girl isn’t savvy).
She has been donning her gloves at Fitzroy Lodge, the amateur
boxing club on Lambeth Road which also houses a project intended
to help disadvantaged youngsters through sport. But at the
weekend, she’ll be back among the toffs at the Boodles Boxing
Ball, a black-tie charity do held at Grosvenor House Hotel and
backed by the jeweller. This event, the fourth of its kind, is
perhaps the ultimate indication that pugilism has gone posh. You
can tell how fancy it is from the fact that on the committee
sits a van Cutsem, the family who spawned the
grumpy-bridesmaid-turned-internet-meme from the royal wedding.
A thousand guests will attend the dinner on Saturday to watch
their friends fight. In previous years, William and Kate, Prince
Harry and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie have cheered from the
sidelines as punches were thrown, and it was one of the
committee members who advised Pippa to pick up the pads herself.
“It’s a London society event and the guests are London society
types,” says James Amos, Boodles’ marketing director, a member
of the family which runs the business and one of the organisers
of the ball. “It’s black tie and glamorous, a snapshot of
society and fashion, combining a smart evening and boxing. It’s
not corporate, it’s put on by friends for friends. We always say
that you should know everyone in the room by a maximum of one
degree of separation.”

Guests are 50-50 male-female,
with some tables of just women, and tend to range from 25 to 40,
although some parents of competitors turn up too for support.
“It’s not a group of men standing around drinking beer,” adds
Amos. “I think there’s a view of boxing events that they are
spit and sawdust. Boxing is a sport that no one necessarily
thought they knew anything about or wanted to go to but when you
see your friends taking part in events like this, it’s an
amazing spectacle.”
Amos believes this event has helped make boxing popular among
the posh set: “Without wanting to sound arrogant, we are
partially responsible for this trend — we see a lot of other
events popping up, intended to appeal to a similar crowd.”
The 12 boxers include multi-millionaire film-maker Arthur
Landon, who partied in Las Vegas with Prince Harry when the
fourth in line to the throne was snapped in the buff, and some
other posh chaps with names such as Balthazar, Owain and Fraser.
They train for nine months, and there is a waiting list of men
keen to join.
If they want to keep it up, boxing promoter Mickey Helliet is
opening a gym on Limehouse Basin aimed at City professionals won
over by the post-Olympic image of boxing as a sport for “elite
athletes rather than fighters”.
But boxing clearly isn’t just for boys. Sonja Moses, boxing co-ordinator
at Kensington gym Equinox, believes its increased popularity
among women is a form of female empowerment: “There’s been a big
shift. Women like knowing they can protect themselves. It’s
unexpected when someone looks lovely and feminine and then comes
out with a perfect punch.” She points to the foul-mouthed teen
heroine of Kick Ass, Hit-Girl, played by Chloe Moretz: “She is
very girly, down-to-earth, then all of a sudden she does all
this cool stuff with her fists.”
Moses teaches a new class called Shadow Smashbox, which involves
skipping, shadow-boxing, kettle bells and a bleep test where you
have to keep up on both punches and sprints. She adds that women
often graduate from that to Equinox’s boxing studio.
Now if Pippa moved from room to ring, could a boxing advice
guide one day be in the offing? The first tip seems easy to
predict: hit the other person harder and more often than they
hit you.
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