(NOV 27) Earlier this week WBAN
learned that Mike Bradburn has a female amateur boxer, Jenny
Lugo he is training at the Camarillo Boxing and Fitness Center.
Bradburn describe this Lugo by saying the following, "She is a
Tough Cookie with Class!" He went on to briefly tell WBAN about
Lugo, that she was a fourth year college student, a member of
USA Boxing, a competitor in the sport, she has worked the corner
at some bouts for Bradburn's team, and more!

Well, this bit of information got WBAN's attention for sure, so
we spoke with Lugo and asked that she tell us a little about
Lugo told WBAN the following:
"As I was going through the process of applying to colleges, I
didn’t have in mind that I would become less active and more
attached to my family. During my first two years at CSU Channel
Islands, I found a few friends but I felt the need to look for
something outside of my element. I have always been an
aggressive person and I felt that my temper and aggression was
starting to get worse because I wasn’t being as active as I was
when I was living with my parents. I remember being a kid and
always enjoying the big name boxing fights, so I figured why

"I looked up “boxing in Camarillo” on Google, and I came across
Michael Bradburn at Camarillo Boxing and Fitness. After my first
session with Mike, I was exhausted and my body was in
bittersweet pain. I never thought that I would fall in love with
a sport so quickly. "
"Coach Mike and I developed a strong friendship and little by
little I got less homesick; I now consider him my second father.
He has been such a motivation and is constantly pushing my
limits and perfecting my skills. Going to Camarillo Boxing and
Fitness is like coming home after a long day at work where you
get to spend time with all sorts of wonderful characters. It
feels like a home away from home, which is exactly what I needed
because I was away from my blood relatives. Being at the gym is
like getting away from reality, with no worries or cares; all
you have to worry about is boxing."
" The process is sort of therapeutic: putting on your hand-wraps
but making sure that it’s perfect otherwise you have to start
all over, lacing up your shoes to really get you into the
feeling that you're there to work, making sure you have enough
hair-ties in your hair so that you don’t have to constantly be
fixing it while you're in the ring, all while having a
conversation with one of your friends who just walked in the
door. We are all sort of this small community in the gym who
bicker like siblings but hug it out and care for each other at
the end of the day. "
"Boxing has really helped me by being an outlet and staying
healthy. I’ve learned to manage my rage better and let it out on
the bags instead of onto others. It’s my way of self-soothing.
The best part is sparring. There aren’t very many girls in the
gym, and I seem to be the only one who wants to compete, so
Coach Mike lets me spar with the boys. Sparring is the most
exhilarating and best thing that I could ever do to have a good
day. The first punch in the face is always the worst because it
comes as a shock and you can’t help but cry a little bit. After
that, every punch is just incentive to keep going and punch your
partner just a little bit harder. "
"I will admit it has been tough to stay motivated 100% of the
time. I am a full-time student currently attending CSU Channel
Islands and I work 2 part-time jobs. Sometimes it’s hard to find
a time to actually go to the gym, during the school year because
I am so busy. I have also had several personal issues during my
time with Mike but he is always understanding of the things that
are going on."
"Boxing has been a great experience overall. I have met some
wonderful people, like Alex Ramos, President of the Retired
Boxers Foundation, Jacquie Richardson who is the Director, and
many other amazing boxers. I am registered as a USA Boxing
competitor and am also certified for coaching and cornering. I
currently help coach and mentor the kid’s class at Camarillo
Boxing and Fitness, along with the women and new students. I
enjoy Hearing about new women boxers and like to stay updated
about the boxing realm. Boxing is a wonderful outlet and created
a new family; it’s a home away from home."
WBAN looks forward to following Lugo's boxing career in the
amateurs, and am sure that her coach Mike Bradburn will keep us
in the loop!
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