(FEB 2) WBAN has just
gotten an update on Oscar Gonzalez who received a severe brain
last night
at the Polanco Forum of Mexico City when he was stopped in the
tenth round. In the
Peninsuladeportive.com news they report the following
(translated): "The Mexican boxer Oscar Gonzalez report to be
brain death, dictated this morning at the Spanish Hospital in
the capital last night after his fight with Jesus Galicia, who
knocked him out in the tenth assault of a bout scheduled 12 for
an international title in his silver version in the Polanco
Forum. According to latest information quoted by More Sports
program citing his boxing reporter, Felipe Bravo, that hospital
doctors stated that brain death is inevitable and irreversible
physiological threshold of death, for the brain, body
corporalaes regulates activities will stop working from one
moment to another . Gonzalez , 33, suffered, according to
the portal without embargo.com, bleeding in the brain stem,
caused by the blows that did collapse in the ring in the pleito.
El native of Tepic , Nayarit , was taken in stretcher after
collapsing dramatically and after receiving first aid was
admitted to Spanish Hospital , where he remained this morning
connected to a ventilator."
Gonzalez was taken to the hospital
after being knocked out in the tenth round by a powerful
combination from Galicia. They will be waiting for 24
hours before they can learn if he will respond to medical
A Press Release that we just
received stated the following: "All
the team members of González, still in the hospital waiting for
good news."
Galicia's match against Gonzalez was part of the show called
"Rumble in the capital".