(MAR 21) Every boxer that
will be fighting on the Professional Boxing tonight on the
Friday Night Fights card in Pueblo, Colorado made weight at the
VUL restaurant and lounge. The card originally was planned to
include five professional bouts. However, due to injury David
Escamilla is unable to participate in his contest with Chris
Galvadon. The four remaining fights on the card are sure to be
action packed as every fighter appeared trimmed and in shape.

Boxers and weights
Kevin Benson (135.2 lbs) vs. Ronnie Reams (136 lbs)
Robert Brewington (168 lbs) vs. Izaak Cardona (168 lbs)
Javier Rodriguez (152.8 lbs) vs. Marcus Dawkins (155 lbs)
Maria Suarez (109 lbs) vs. Chantel Cordova (111.2 lbs)
Professional Boxing: Friday Night Fights is promoted by Cordova
Productions and Sundown Entertainment. Friday’s bouts begin at
7:30 p.m., at the Pueblo Convention Center. Doors open at 6:30
Sundown Entertainment is a limited liability company which was
started in 2013. The company’s headquarters is located in
Colorado Springs, Colorado. For more information go to
www.sundownentertainmentllc.com .

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