(APR 10) Most of the time, WBAN
covers the amateur and professional female boxers and we publish
stories on their accomplishments in the ring---especially when
they are crowned with world title belts that are well deserved.
You may not readily recognize these champions in this
photo----but they are an example of the rock that helps
female boxers accomplish their goals and dreams in the
sport----the family and/or parents of the boxers!
Multi-world champion Ava Knight wrote today, "I give all my
love, gratitude, and appreciation to the two people who have
always been there for me no matter what. My parents are my rock,
my foundation, my inspiration, and my motivation. If they aren't
proud, my work isn't done. My job in life is to make them happy.
I can't wait for the day I can give back to them for all they
have done for me."

Blanca Gutierrez of BabyFace
Boxing/Beautiful Brawlers, could not have summed it up any better
when she said, "These are the kinds of feelings and messages all
world champs should be stating! Great role model? Heck Yes!"
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