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Exclusive One on One Interview with Melissa "Mighty" McMorrow
by Sue TL Fox
August 7, 2014


(AUG 7)  WBAN had an opportunity to talk with multi-world champion Melissa "Mighty" McMorrow about her upcoming fight in Mexico and about the sport. 

 Fox:   Melissa, WBAN received some news that you have a fight coming up in Mexico on August 23rd, and that you will be fighting Jessica Chavez. Can you fill up in on more details? Is this for a world title?

Melissa:   The fight will be in Mexico City and it is for the WBC continental flyweight title. I am very excited to fight again! I'm happy to fighting back at flyweight because it is my most comfortable weight.

 Fox:  In the last couple of years you have fought in Mexico twice, losing one by a controversial split decision and then a fight where you fought Mariana Juarez, that was close in score but in favor of the local boxer. Are you apprehensive to venture back into Mexico to fight again?

Melissa: I have not had much luck in getting decisions in Mexico. On both occasions I think I deserved the win, especially this last one with Mariana, but I cannot afford to think about that. I am focusing on my training! I want to fight the best fighters out there and there are a lot of good fighters in Mexico.

 Fox:  How much notice did you get to prepare for your fight with Chavez?

Melissa: I received about a month's notice for the fight. I usually stay in good shape so it should be enough time for me to bring my best fight.

 Fox:  Are you able to train in boxing full time, or are you juggling your training with also holding down a regular job?

Melissa:  I do not train in boxing full time. I cannot make enough money to do so. I have a career outside of boxing. I am an architect at SolarCity, a company that sells clean energy to homeowners and businesses.

 Fox: Since your last fight with Mariana Juarez, are there any major changes you have made since that last fight?

Melissa: I am always finessing my style and I work with changing up my stance a lot. This allows me to have quick answers in a fight for how to respond to what the other person brings. Lately, I have also been working on giving more angles on the inside. I'm really excited about what this has done or my game!

 Fox:   Are you finding it difficult to fight fights in the USA, or any local fights?

It is extremely difficult to find local fights. Small promoters can't afford the purse and the bigger promoters refuse to showcase women.

 Fox: You have now been boxing professionally for close to six years, do you think the sport has improved or is it getting more difficult to keep active?

I definitely think the sport has improved. There are more boxers now then there used to be. I work a lot of young amateurs now which is great to see. When I started boxing there were very few young women in the sport. At the same time, it is a little more difficult to be active as a pro because promoters in the US are really hard to find and there are only a few women that have the experience to compete at the highest levels. In addition, more women are staying in the amateurs because of the Olympics, which I think is very important to really grow the sport a produce good quality boxers.

Fox:  Where do you see yourself in five years, do you think you will still be boxing, or outside the ring doing other significant things in the sport?

I am 33 years old. When I got into boxing, I promised myself I would compete until it didn't make me happy anymore. So far, that hasn't happened yet. I really love competing! At some point I would like to have a family so that enters my head sometimes. I can't really say definitively what I will be doing in five years, but I prefer to live my life that way- to just do what makes me happy at the time. A part of me will always be in boxing. I now have been boxing for 10 years and can't remember my life without it. I hope to get involved in many things related to boxing outside the ring when I do decide to retire.

 Fox: What would you like to see happen for the future in women's boxing?

I would love to see women in televised fights. Most people have no idea that there even are female boxers because they are not exposed to it on TV. When I tell people now that I box professionally they are always interested to see a fight. There is not a lack of interest.

Fox:  What advice would you give females who may be just getting into the sport?

I guess I have lots of advice because I  see a lot of fighters and have been through a lot...

1.  Choose a trainer who has your best interest at heart and who provides a comfortable training environment for you. If you ever feel like your trainer is inappropriate or just mean, it is because he/she is. Boxing is very mental, so you need to train and take care of your mental state as much as your physical state. If your trainer is negative, chances are you will not have positive thoughts going into a fight. There is probably another place where you can really thrive.

2. Don't be overly macho for the sport....wear your protective gear, drink enough water, fight in an appropriate weight class, rest when you get injured, etc. Remember that in order to get to the top, your boxing career will need to be at least 10 years long. Many people never reach the top because they get hurt or exhaust themselves before they get there.

3. Always do your cardio work. Without good cardio you can get really hurt. I recommend adding in sprint work twice a week for amateurs and once a week for pros fighting 6 round or more.

Lastly, promote yourself. This sport is about how many tickets you sell.

WBAN would like to thank Melissa for taking time to be interviewed, and we will be posting more information soon on her upcoming fight against Jessica Chavez.

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