(OCT 26) Raylene and I thru our
WBC Cares would like to let you know that 'this week' on behalf
of our WBC & WBC Cares & NABF!

We presented NABF Champion
Chantel Cordova with a framed WBC certificate, and a WBC Medal,
for her Support and Fight against Domestic Violence, and as you
all read her story you all will be Very Proud of how far she has
come from being a survivor to an Advocate and Role Model against
Domestic Violence and a Current NABF Champion and with that we
salute Champion Chantel Cordova, with all of your Support and
Blessings! (Enclosed some pics of Chantel from Domestic Violence

For me personally I have had the
opportunity to see this young lady grow from a child to a
Champion, but to see her survive domestic violence, that any
father would hate to see his daughter go through or any women
for that matter is encouraging that she is openly getting the
word out to help prevent this is Awesome, and we all need to do
the same, this is one cycle of life that needs to be Broken and
can be Broken. With Much Respect, Raylene & Stephen
Here is Chantel’s Story:
Did you know that the month of OCTOBER is Domestic Violence
Awareness month? Just this year I was a victim, got beat
up pretty bad had to get 11 stitches on my lip, had MAJOR
swelling and bruises on my face and it wasn't just the first
time my ex did the hitting.

I just want you ladies to know
you’re not alone...it’s scary, lonely, and no one understands.
But I'm here to tell you I AM NOW A SURVIVOR!! I’m not a victim
of my past relationship anymore!! I stayed close to the Lord and
had tremendous about of support to get me through this black
hole I was just in 6 MONTHS ago. He doesn't love you if he puts
his hands on you. Stay strong and never lose your Faith in
God!!! My prayers are with all of you who feel stuck and can't
get out, may God guide you to the way of freedom!!! And to my
SURVIVORS keep smiling and be thankful for your life!! I was
threatened that my son wouldn't have a mom any more. So every
day I am thankful to see, touch, hug, kiss, and love my son!!!
He didn't take anything from me like he thought!!! I am living
proof of a Strong Survivor! I’m still standing on my own two
feet because I'm a Child of God!! – Chantel Cordova, NABF