(MAR 8) Welterweight Jessica "
The Cobra " Camara, a decorated amateur boxer, and 2015 Canadian
National Champion who lives in Montreal, Canada, will be making
her pro debut March 30th in Montreal on Group Yvon Michele
Promotion ( GYM ) in Montreal, Canada.
On March 6th, Jessica sparred with champ Layla McCarter at the
Mayweather gym. McCarter and Jessica went a few rounds working
on boxing techniques. Trainer Rafael Ramos helped out in
Jessica's corner. Fighters Latondria Jones and Lorissa Rivas
Wallace also in the photos.
Ian MacKillop who is a former boxer trains Jessica among other
fighters in Montreal, Canada.

Butch Gottlieb said, “The work
these two did was great. My heartfelt thanks to Layla who is a
six-time world champion for working with Jessica who will
definitely be a world champion someday.”

About Camara:
According to the Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School
website, they wrote the following:
What did she do after graduating from Monsignor Doyle? Jessica
Camara went on to Conestoga College in the Police Foundations
program from 2007-2009, and then earned her Bachelor of
Community & Criminal Justice in 2012. She started boxing in 2008
and eventually earned her Personal Training Certification
through Good Life Fitness—it was here where she found her
passion for helping others.
Listing some of many accomplishments: Police Foundations—Best
Female Athlete; Competitive Boxing record is 16-3; 2009 – Golden
Gloves Champion (Ontario Boxing Association); 2010 – Summer
Hayes Provincial Champion & Best Female Novice Fighter, Best
Female Boxer; 2011 & 2012 —Best Female Boxer – Boxing by Syd;
2012—Golden Gloves Champion and Best Female Fighter (OBA)and
2013—YWCA Young Woman of Distinction Award; 2015 Canadian
National Champion, with 30 amateur fights.