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'Heartbreak' for 12 years old Carlow
boxer Chloe Black at Dublin's National Stadium - lessons must be
learnt by AIBA, its Federations and Clubs
by Michael O'Neill
May 19, 2019 |
(MAY 19) Social media was
‘flooded’ late Saturday night/Sunday morning with ‘outraged’
fans of the sport condemning the Irish Athletic Boxing
Association (IABA) for “banning” 12 years old Chloe Black from
County Carlow from taking part on Finals night of the IABA 2019
Girl 1 to 6 National Championships.
First off was Chloe’s club, Tullow ABC, which posted this
lengthy message on its Facebook site:
“Absolutely devastated ( Please share everyone) by what happened
in the National Boxing Stadium tonight. A second potential
national title was taken away from 12-year-old Chloe Black.
There was a complaint made against Chloe because she partakes in
another physical contact sport. There is a rule that was only
brought to our attention today that no boxer is allowed to
compete in any other contact sport. We at Tullow Amateur Boxing
Club knew nothing about this rule as Chloe has boxed for our
club since Feb 2018 and we never made a secret of her competing
in Muay Thai. Chloe has won major competitions for our club
including the National final last year.
Chloe is a 12-year-old child who's hard work, determination, and
love of sport are a credit to her and to be told tonight that
she was not allowed to fight has left us all heartbroken. Chloe
was up in Dublin at 8 am weighing in for the competition and not
a word was said about the complaint. We knew nothing until we
were called up to the head table. WHOEVER COMPLAINED I HOPE YOU
EVER AGAIN. Levina and Anthony” Strong words, and understandably
so, yet is the IABA the ‘villain of the piece’ here or are these
rules universal and laid down by the AIBA, the governing body of
the ‘once amateur’ sport.?
Clearly, this cannot be unique to Chloe Black’s sad situation
and yet one of the country’s top clubs were unaware of the rule?
That being so it seems more than likely that boxers in other
countries are also ‘breaking the rules’ unknowingly – and in
fact only on 16th May 2019, the IABA had published a notice
which was addressed to ALL Provincial Councils & County Boards
with a request that the information published be distributed to
all clubs, club secretaries and other officials.
That document from IABA Honorary Secretary Art O’Brien, read as
follows and appeared on the IABA.ie website:
“16th May 2019
TO: Provincial Councils and County Boards:
(Please circulate to all clubs in your area)
Re: Other Physical Contact Sports
AIBA Technical Rules prohibit any athlete from competing as a
boxer while at the same time being a member of any other
Physical Contact Sport. Also, the Rules lay down the procedures
to be followed if any National Federation wishes to register a
boxer who has competed in any other contact sport.
We have been in communication with AIBA Executive Director, Mr
Tom Virgets, who confirmed to us that the Rule has universal
application, i.e. it applies to all ages. However, he was
sympathetic to our suggestion that consideration is given to
relax the Rule for younger boxers, i.e. pre-teens. We intend to
submit proposals to AIBA in this regard.
In the meantime, however, we must point out that the AIBA Rule
remains unchanged. No athlete can continue to compete as a boxer
while being a member of any other contact sport. We are obliged
to bring this to your attention in response to the number of
queries received.
Kind regards,
Art O’Brien
Hon Secretary
He quoted: AIBA Technical and Competition Rules Page 6:
“Individual Physical Contact Sport” means any of the following
sports in any of their forms: Aikido, Cage Fighting, Judo,
Ju-jitsu, Karate, Kendo, Kickboxing, K-1, Kung Fu, Muay Thai,
MMA, Sambo, Savate, Sumo, Taekwondo, Wrestling, Wushu and such
other sports as may be deemed by AIBA to be an individual
physical contact sport “
This begs the question did the Leinster Council of IABA, and
Carlow County Board not make its members immediately aware and
if so why was the Tullow ABC club unaware two nights later? They
said in an interview with local media that they were only aware
once they were called to the table before the bout and told she
had to withdraw.
On a worldwide scale, it seems quite likely that clubs in all
AIBA National Federation Countries are unaware that at any
moment one or more of their boxers could be withdrawn from a
tournament, perhaps even suspended and this sad case is but a
timely reminder that “AIBA rules” cannot be amended by
individual National Federations.
It is to be hoped that the AIBA will re-visit the rules in the
case of pre-teens as initially suggested by the IABA and, albeit
it will be of little comfort to young Chloe, at least she and
her parents will see that from this difficult situation rules
can be changed. Undoubtedly ‘thousands and thousands’ of young
boxers worldwide at this time taking part in “Individual
Physical Contacts Sport” as defined by the AIBA rule book.,
without realizing they could be banned.
Clubs too, of course, need to learn lessons – they must
themselves be fully au fait with the rules when teaching other
as rules are as important as any other aspect of the sport.
We would welcome a response from the AIBA as to what plans their
Executive Director, Mr. Tom Virgets has to address what appears
to be an injustice in the case of young pre-teens who have as
many do, wish to take part in other contact sports before making
a final decision. Hopefully, other NF’s will now make ALL their
clubs too aware of the AIBA rules as they presently stand and we
fully support the IABA’s efforts to persuade AIBA to amend the
rulebook and be more flexible towards today’s youth who will be
the mainstay of the AIBA and its Federations in the future.
Finally we end with the words of Chloe, Chloe, her Father Eric
Black and coach Anthony Abbott in this interview with KCLR96fm
via SoundCloud:
We wish Chloe good luck with her future sports career whatever
she decides but as someone who has been suggested as a ‘budding
new’ Katie Taylor perhaps she will one day soon return to the
sport she undoubtedly loved before Friday night at the Stadium