(SEPT 25) The WABC is
looking to become the supplier of choice for those individuals
with disabilities who wish for an active life with next to no
physical/ Expenditure limitations. WABC is looking for Business
to join us.

On the sporting side, the
Business is aspiring to enable new, or improve existing Olympic/Paralympic
standard events so that the participating athletes are better
able to independently participate. The Business is even aspiring
to enable sporting events between physically able and disabled
The Business Mission Statement is: “ Enabling disabled people to
be fully active in their life and to do so while investing in
the training and self-development of disabled people through
coaching methods designed through (WABC) Inclusion of
The Business Goals & Objectives are (to add detail):
…Help current sports improved (basketball, fencing, etc)
…offer products & support at more ‘reasonable’ price
…help train and self-independence -> self-worth improvement
…invest profits into above
The Business Philosophy is to be the Enabler in all of the
This will ensure that profits will be invested in the WABC
Business to ensure that ‘Enabling’ disabled people will be a
long term target.
The products themselves will be marketed both to individuals
seeking a more active lifestyle, as well as to sporting
organisations and bodies that wish to include such participants
under the umbrella WABC. The latter should further aid promotion
of inclusion and community..