(DEC 24) It has been quite a
year in 2019! We saw some great high-profile female boxing
bouts on major networks, many news outlets that covered some of
our top female boxers in the sport, and we watched women's
boxing in general take a huge step into being in the main

In 2019, I met more female boxers
than I could have ever dreamed of meeting for the first time at
our International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame Induction event (IWBHF)
that was held on August 30, 2019, in Brisbane, California at the
Doubletree Hotel, in conjunction with one of the top
amateur shows, the Beautiful Brawlers.

I want to personally thank
everyone in the sport who helped WBAN cover the sport, as I have
said many times, throughout many years, which is now going into
22 years on the net----WBAN would not be where it is today
without all of you.

I want to thank all the sponsors,
the IWBHF Board Members, with new IWBHF Board members who were
added in 2019 for your dedication to working so hard to keep
this organization thriving and the continued work for this
I am hoping that 2020 will bring even a bigger year for the
sport, and that we continue to see increased media coverage of
these elite athletics, pro and amateur.
Top photos of the special times in 2019: