(JAN 6, 2020) Throughout
many years on WBAN, we have periodically put out "Wish Lists"
for the coming year on matches we would like to see take place.
Unfortunately if you review the past "Wish Lists" from WBAN,
many of the top picks for the year did not take place.
So for 2020---- we decided to put our top "Wish List" for matches
we would like to see take place----and only hope that in 2020,
they are not any more than "Wishful" Thinking! Here is our
top list for the new year!

Other matchups that definitely
made the Wish List for 2020:
Delfine Persoon vs. Maiva
Alicia Napoleon vs. Fancheon Crews-Dezurn
Hannah Rankin vs. Kali "KO" Reis
Cecilia Braekhus vs. Hannah Gabriels
Rose Volante vs. Mikaela Mayer
Melissa Hernandez vs. Chevelle Hallback
Heather Hardy vs. Maureen Shea
Chevelle Hallback vs. Cecilia Braekhus
Geovana Peres vs. Claressa Shields
Marie Eve Dicaire vs. Hanna Gabriels
Melissa Hernandez vs. Mary McGee
Daniela Bermudez vs. Jackie Nava
Kenia Enriquez vs. Yesenia Gomez
Boxing fans that have their "top" Wish List Matchup for 2020,
email WBAN and we will add it as a Boxing Fan's choice!
Email: wban100@aol.com