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Documented Letters to Brian Nunn of the ABC
Source:  Charles Muniz
July 3, 2021


May 4, 2021 - From Charles Muniz
To: Brian Dunn, ABC President
Subject:  April 10th Boxing Event- Dubai

Honorable Brian Dunn
President Association of Boxing Commissions
1313 Farnum Street
Omaha, NE 68102

Dear Sir,

My name is Charles Muniz and I represent women’s fighter Ivana Habazin.

The purpose of this email is to ask that you intervene regarding an injustice being faced by all fighters that took place in an event on April 10, 2021 in Dubai. (See attached results below).

First some background information. The fight was promoted by Lion Heart Productions; Edward Mendy was the promoter of record.

The entire fight card can be seen on YouTube at the following link: https://youtu.be/JDiYL97ZZgk  Additionally, the event will be televised by FITE TV on May 6, 2021.

Unfortunately, BoxRec will not post the results of the fights given some conflict with the local boxing commission. BoxRec only recognizes the Dubai Boxing Commission, which has been in conflict with the United Arab Emirates Boxing Federation (UAEBF) for some time.

Present at the event was the United Arab Emirates Boxing Federation (UAEBF), which was the acting boxing commission. Additionally, the Zimbabwe National Boxing and Wrestling Control (ZNBWE)was present and represented by Mr. Lawrence Zimbudzana, who also acted in a supervisory role. Please note, the ZNBWE is recognized by BoxRec.

As you are aware, fighters sole responsibility is to sign a bout agreement, show proof of their boxing ID, meet their individual weight requirements, conform to medical testing as required, and perform to the best of their abilities.

No fighter who participates in such event is privy to BoxRec’s requirements for posting fight results, nor are they aware of any conflict between BoxRec and the local commissions. Fighters simply risk their lives in hope of advancing their boxing careers.

Please be advised that I have spoken to John Sheppard at BoxRec about this matter and while I understand his concern about which local boxing commission he works with, no fighter is privy to this before entering the ring. My conversations with John have been cordial and respectful.

As you can see from the fight telecast, there was a supervisor in place, judges for each fight, a referee, ring doctor, and required medical staff in the event of any injury.

Having said that, I ask, on behalf of all fighters that participated in the event, you to intervene and correct this injustice that is being done to these fighters thru no fault of their own.

I have attached the official fight results of all bouts. Additionally, please note that Mr. Amir Kahn was present representing the World Boxing Council (WBC) as their Middle East President. He presented Ivana Habazin with the WBC Middle East Title as she won her bout.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important matter.

Charles Muniz

May 5, 2021 - Response from Brian Dunn to Charles Muniz

Hello Charles,

I am sorry to hear about this situation. Unfortunately, I am afraid there is nothing I can do to help resolve it. Boxrec is the official record keeper of the ABC, but they are also a private company, not even based in the United States.

I’ll admit to not really understanding how boxing “commissions” work internationally, as it is much different than in the US (and other international ABC member commissions). After many conversations with John and Marina, they DO understand the situation and they only record what they deem to be accurate.

That not to say your boxer did not actually compete, I believe she did, and I won’t even argue that those results SHOULD be documented, but if I liken it to some illegal underground boxing event that may actually happen in the US that is not regulated by the proper commission, those results could not be officially recorded. Neither situation is the boxer’s fault, but unfortunately, those results would still not be recorded.

May 5 - Response from Charles Muniz to Brian Nunn

Hello Brian, I respect your opinion, however, the fights of April 10th were televised for all the public to see, which, as you are aware, cannot be compared to nondescript, non-televised “underground events.”

Is the ABC contract with BoxRec exclusive to publishing of results in the U.S., only? Or, does it grant publication of results worldwide?

If worldwide, I feel you need to take more than a cursory approach. Can you furnish me with a copy of your contract with BoxRec so I can see what legal authority you have given them.

 I believe it’s in the public interest to know the extent of their authority especially when you consider the fact that boxers are the most exploited individuals in the sport, and here we have a specific case where an injustice is being committed against them.

Last Saturday I attended a boxing event in Weston, Florida supervised by the local commission. At least three fights looked as if the opponents never had even taken a boxing lesson, yet these fight are accepted by the local commission and BoxRec.

I still have trouble understanding how anyone with authority could allow fighters to risk their lives and be penalized due to internal politics. The injustice being done to fighters in this particular case requires someone with standing to speak up for them.

 I’m willing to take on that burden in any court having jurisdiction. Please note that the United Arab Emirates Boxing Federation (UAEBF), is the governing authority which grants approval to the Dubai Boxing Commission, when they stage an event, yet, their authority in this case isn’t even recognized. How absurd is that?

A wrong in one place when not corrected becomes acceptable in another place. Thank you for your response. I look forward to you sending the ABC contract with BoxRec.

All the best to you. Kind regards...

May 5th - Response from Brian Nunn to Charles Muniz

 Hello Charles, I am sorry to hear about this situation. Unfortunately, I am afraid there is nothing I can do to help resolve it.

Boxrec is the official record keeper of the ABC, but they are also a private company, not even based in the United States. I’ll admit to not really understanding how boxing “commissions” work internationally, as it is much different than in the US (and other international ABC member commissions).

After many conversations with John and Marina, they DO understand the situation and they only record what they deem to be accurate. That not to say your boxer did not actually compete, I believe she did, and I won’t even argue that those results SHOULD be documented, but if I liken it to some illegal underground boxing event that may actually happen in the US that is not regulated by the proper commission, those results could not be officially recorded.

Neither situation is the boxer’s fault, but unfortunately, those results would still not be recorded. I know you said you spoke to John Sheppard, but he would be the only one you could convince to include those results. Good luck, Brian

May 6:  Email from Charles Muniz to ABC Executive Committee
Subject: ABC and BoxRec

Dear Sir,

In my previous email I asked to be given a copy of the ABC’s contract with BoxRec. I believe that decisions being made by BoxRec are inconsistent and arbitrary in nature which requires full disclosure and your immediate attention.

Your previous statement in your email dated May 5, 2021, that BoxRec is a private foreign company should be no reason for the the ABC to ignore what BoxRec is doing. As a government entity, it is in the public’s interest to know if improprieties are taking place. The public has a right to know the guiding principals regarding your contract with BoxRec.

Kindly let me know if you intend to provide me with the aforementioned contract, or should I make such request via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) since the ABC is a government entity.

I feel it may be best to handle this matter in a transparent matter where your cooperation is required. I shall await your response. Thank you in advance.

Charles Muniz

June 19: Last Email to Brian Dunn from Charles Nunn

Dear Brian,

I refer to my last email to you dated May 5th, 2021 where I requested a copy of the ABC contract with BoxRec. To date, you have ignored this request.

Further, in your response to my first email, you stated the following:

“I’ll  admit to not really understanding how boxing “commissions” work internationally, as it is much different than in the US (and other international ABC member commissions).  After many conversations with John and Marina, they DO understand the situation and they only record what they deem to be accurate.”

I therefore ask, under what legal authority do John and Marina have the right to determine which fights they deem to be accurate? Here you have fights that took place that were televised, with an actual commission and they arbitrarily decide the fight weren’t accurate?

Are you aware of the fact that BoxRec has recorded results of fights where no commission even existed?

Have you ever taken the time to examine numerous fights recorded by BoxRec where opponents recognized professional fighters fought opponents with little to no fight experience?

Any excuse John or Marina May present can only conclude that there is outside influence in their decision making process. This calls into question the legitimacy of your contract with them.

The ABC is supposed to stand up for aggrieved fighters who have no voice. In this case the ABC has chosen to plead ignorance and allow BoxRec to make up their own rules without any oversight from your side. Is this how it’s supposed to work? 

The judicial process both here in the United States as well as the United Kingdom, are formerly programmed for “rational” decision making. Judicial decisions rest on facts and evidence, and not giving any individual or entity the power to make decisions based on arbitrary prejudice or in this case, outside influence. The assumption of the judicial process is that, where reason resides, the public’s interest will emerge.

In your response to my email you stated:

“That not to say your boxer did not actually compete, I believe she did, and I won’t even argue that those results SHOULD be documented, but if I liken it to some illegal underground boxing event that may actually happen in the US that is not regulated by the proper commission, those results could not be officially recorded. Neither situation is the boxer’s fault, but unfortunately, those results would still not be recorded.”

To be clear, this event was no underground boxing event. The event was televised and spectators were present along with a bona fide boxing commission. Therefore, John and Marina’s excuse for not recording the results is completely guided by outside influences which you should investigate. You can start by investigating their cozy relationship with the Dubai Boxing Commission, and the influence this commission has on BoxRec not being able to record the results of fights that took place on April 10th in Dubai. 

Once again, ignoring my follow-up email where I requested a copy of the ABC contract with BoxRec should not be ignored.

This matter is not just going to go away. There is much interest in the media to understand how the ABC could turn a blind eye to fighters who are being aggrieved. 

The time has come for your organization to act in a pro- active manner and stand up for fighters. Lacking any resolve to do such, should call into question how your can allow such an injustice to take place while you kick the can hoping this will all go away. It will not!

There can be no plausible reason for spending taxpayers funds where BoxRec has proven itself to act in an arbitrary manner, and where the ABC has failed in its duty to protect the interest of fighters.

I hope we can resolve this matter prior to the ABC convention which will be held in Orlando, Florida July 23-29, 2021. Given the egregious manner in which John and Marina have acted, I sincerely hope that there will be no renewal of their contract as it would be sending the wrong message to the public. I feel it is incumbent upon you to contract with an entity that demonstrates they can operate with clean hands. 

Thank you and your members in advance for giving this matter the attention it deserves.


Charles Muniz

Manager for Ivana Habazin

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