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Pioneer Female Boxers will not be forgotten…Celebration in Order to Give Honor to these fighters!
by Sue TL Fox
October 1, 2022


(OCT 1) Pioneer boxers will not be forgotten….We have a special segment at the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony event this year on October 22nd, in Las Vegas, Nevada,  in a segment on "Special Awards" to pay tribute to our past sister’s who are some of the  true “footprints” of what the sport is today.

It is just so easy to forget, give little to no credit to the past female boxers of women’s boxing and in some cases claiming “History Firsts”, and ignoring who actually with the first to paved the way in the sport.

No, many did not have great “boxing records”, and it was a struggle just to legally fight in many of the states in the USA--not to mention the fact that the records of past female boxers is vastly inaccurate.

The pioneers didn’t have resources, accurate information, the Internet, great boxing coaches, trainers, managers, and especially the lack of promoters willing to support the early female boxers. It was illegal to allow a female boxer to be in a sanctioned amateur entity in the early part of women’s boxing coming on the scene.

WBAN and the IWBHF this year will have a segment to honor many of our pioneer boxers. We will have female boxing pioneers at our event, who were some of the first to get boxing licenses, fight in states that once forbid female boxers featured on professional boxing cards and more.

So what did the pioneers face in the past?

Pioneer boxers faced negative, unfair and insulting news media, and many in the boxing world refused to give females equal rights to be able to even be included in the amateurs to gain experience.

Darlene Buckskin

So when you come to our International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony,  you will get the pleasure of meeting with some of our history-making pioneers!

We have Pat Pineda, the history-first female boxer to obtain a professional boxing license in the state of California; you will get to see Darlene Buckskin, who was the history-first Native American professional female boxer along with her now posthumous sister Theresa Kibby as receiving the first boxing license(s) in California as Native Americans and other states where they fought in the past.

You will also have the opportunity to see Dora and Cora Webber, both pioneers from the past, and both fighting 15 round fights in the 1980s, who returned as modern boxers in the 1990s. They are a history- first set of twin sisters that now will be inducted both into the IWBHF, with Dora being inducted in 2021, and Cora inducted in the upcoming 2022.

Lastly I will get to meet many of you for the first time and am looking forward to finally putting a face to a name.

Online tickets only--cannot purchase tickets at the door.  http://www.iwbhf.com/tickets.htm

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