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Alrie Meleisea looks to becoming the first female Pasifika World Champion
by Benjamin Watt
March 24, 2023


(MAR 24) Alrie Meleisea aims to become the first-ever female Pasifika boxer to win the World title. Meleisea is dubbed the underdog going into her World Heavyweight title fight against World number 1, Lani Daniels.

Alrie Meleisea is the first female Samoan let alone the first female pacific islander to attempt to capture the world boxing title. On the 27th of May at Eventfinda Stadium in Auckland, New Zealand, Meleisea will take on Maori Lani Daniels for the vacant IBF World Heavyweight title. This will be the first time two New Zealand-born boxers will be competing for a world title, let alone the first time a world title is being held between Maori and Pasifika boxers.

Meleisea started her boxing career between the ages of 15 and 16 when her dad would drop her off at ABA Stadium to learn how to box under legendary coach Henry Schuster. Schuster has trained a lot of amazing boxers including the great Shane Cameron, David Tua in his last fight against Alexander Ustinov, Junior Fa early in his career and many more.

While Meleisea was being interviewed by NZ 531pi Radio, they asked her why she took up boxing. Meleisea stated her father dropped her off to help her control her emotions as a kid, and she said boxing had worked. Eventually, she would join her current coach Vasco Kovačević under red line combat academy where she had her first fight at the age of 21.

Throughout her career, she would try different forms of combat sports including corporate boxing, kickboxing and MMA. At the time fighting as an MMA fighter, Meleisea got a last-minute call-up to take on Nalini Helu who was ranked 8th in the world on debut in 2016. Shocking the heavyweight division, Meleisea won the fight by Split Decision. From there her professional boxing career took off. Throughout her career, she would win multiple titles including the UBF Asia Pacific title, New Zealand National NZPBA title and the Pro Box New Zealand title.

Both Meleisea and Daniels don’t play into the intimidation game of the sport. But even if they did, Meleisea has said it would not bother her. “Intimidation doesn't work, I am only intimidated by one person and she is in heaven now,” Meleisea said, referring to her mother who passed away in 2018.

Meleisea has said she has studied her opponent leading to the fight against Lani Daniels for the world title. When asked on the radio what does she have over her opponent? Meleisea said she has more heart.

World Number 1 Maori Lani Daniels will be taking on World number 2 Samoan Alrie Meleisea for the vacant and first-ever IBF World Heavyweight women's title. The WBO World title is still currently being negotiated to try to make this fight into a unification fight, Making it guaranteed that the winner would be the first New Zealander to win a Unified World title.

Tickets are on sale now.
For GA tickets, go to link
For Corporate table tickets, go to Link

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