The world is united in prayers for peace, following the terrible
events of this past weekend in the never-ending cycle of
conflict between Israel and Palestine. More war, in addition to
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, bringing death, destruction, chaos
and grief. This violence impacts the daily life of families,
schools, livelihoods, and generations in every way imaginable.
The only thing we can do is ensure that harmony and unity
prevail in our close circles. Let’s all pray for peace in the
world, to end the cowardly attacks to innocent people and
civilians, to end brutality and chaos and stop terrorism.
October is the month in which the battle against breast cancer
is promoted, it is the pink month. The World Boxing Council
joins this noble cause in which everyone is sought and included,
to raise awareness, mainly to promote self-exploration with the
aim of early detection, since this damned and accursed cancer is
beatable and defeatable, if treated in a timely manner. Caught
The WBC carries out a wide variety of activities around the
world: the use of pink gloves in fights, referees with pink
shirts, bows, and pins for all types of events, t-shirts with
pink bows worn by champions, officials, and all members of the
boxing community, in addition to awareness events with sensitive
talks. All together now!

Speaking of women, this Saturday was the tenth ceremony held of
the International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame, in which the
honor was highlighted for Jill Diamond, who came to the WBC in
2004, to definitively and positively better our beloved
Jill is a dynamic, decisive, courageous, and resourceful woman.
She has a heart of gold and gives of herself without limits at
every moment. Her support is unconditional and total. Jill
always gives 100 percent … and then more! She started the
women’s world championship in the WBC and created the WBC Cares
program. Monumental feats and achievements! Congratulations,
We can proudly state that it has been the WBC which has strived
to promote the dignity of women in the sport of Boxing.
The WBC has organized three world conventions aimed mainly at
reviewing every medical and scientific information for the
adequate protection of women in the ring. We have suffered and
we have endured attacks of discrimination and sexism. The
reality is very simple, women have significant differences with
men, and for this reason, the rules must be different for their
protection. All boxers, regardless of whether they are men or
women, are willing to fight under any conditions imposed upon
them. They are warriors, they are relentless, and they would do
anything to excel and make a living.
The boxer needs the WBC to protect them and establish rules to
minimize the risks before, during and after the fights.
Amanda Serrano, one of the best fighters in history, will enter
the ring this month, as she seeks to become the leader of a
movement, since she will fight for 12 rounds, and the duration
of these will be three minutes. This is against the structure
that has functioned flawlessly throughout the history of women’s
boxing. The Muhammad Ali Act is a federal law and establishes
that women’s fights must be a maximum of 10 rounds, and the
duration of rounds is two minutes. The WBC will not be involved
in this event in any form or manner.
What is sought? Equality? For the love of God, this is not about
equality. Just look at a woman’s skeletal frame and compare it
with that of a man to see the differences in bone density, just
study the science that details the physiological and metabolic
differences in relation to the percentage of muscle mass that
the genes through the XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomes.
Distinct differences are a fact of life!
Men will always have higher levels of testosterone, providing
more muscle mass and endurance. Women have less muscle mass,
they also tend to be prone to cervical and brain contusions to a
greater extent than men. Also, and significantly, the days
related to the menstrual cycle, which can cause abdominal
discomfort, fluid retention, and other additional effects
related to the hormonal changes themselves.
It is for these facts, and many other reasons, that the WBC will
never bow down to what might be popular. We will never betray
our principles and values. For us, taking care of the fighter’s
wellbeing is and will always be and remain first and foremost.
Another of the big differences that the WBC has in women’s
boxing compared to men’s boxing is that our organization does
not charge sanction fees to women, not one penny.
One day I was with my dad at one of the first women’s boxing
events promoted by Don Raúl Cruz (RIP).
During a men’s preliminary bout, a fan yelled, “You box like a
Don José got up and approached the young man and said to him:
“Dear friend, I wish all men would fight like women. They are an
example of dedication, they fight with tireless passion during
the two minutes of the round, they never give up, they move
forward and are relentless. I ask you to choose your words with
care and give them the respect that all the ladies deserve
within and outside of the ring.”
I appreciate your comments at
Source: WBC -
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