(OCT 21) Two weeks ago,
Girls Just Wanna Box [GJWB]
brought a group from Toronto and Newfoundland to the 2023-2024
International Women’s Boxing Hall of Fame (IWBHF) last weekend
- October 6-7- to celebrate both the 10th anniversary of the IWBHF
and 25 years of the Women Boxing Archive Network [WBAN]!

Cheryl Torrance GJWB member, coach
Helene, Lyla Simon Boxing Ontario Official, Lita Mae Button
former professional boxer and coach, coach Kevin, and coach
Some words to describe the
weekend include: empowerment, fighter, community, hard-work,
determination, persistence, attitude, histories-first, champion,
and deserving.
It was such an honour to be able to be a partner of the event,
pay tribute to all their efforts to help pave the way for the
future of women's boxing, and to provide these women with not
only a platform to share their stories but also acknowledge
their efforts & accomplishments.

Coaches Helene & Kristina with Pat Pineda (1st professional
female boxer in the state of California) with her WBAN mini belt
that was awarded to her at the October 6th ceremony.
Friday afternoon [October 6th]
was the pre-celebration in order
to have an additional meet & greet with the 2023/2024 inductees
and to also award a few special awards.
It was an emotional afternoon as Sue TL Fox surprised three pioneers
(Pat Pineda [pictured above], Dar Buckskin, and Jamie Johnson)
with mini WBAN belts since championships belts didn’t exist when
they were boxing, so they were unable to earn one. As they
received their belts, the room erupted with cheers and tears.
Special award recipients included:
Olivia Gerula (26 year anniversary as an active boxer)
Alicia Ashley (oldest pro boxer, male or female, to become a
world champion).
Chevelle Hallback (26 year anniversary as an active boxer).
Layla McCarter (25 year anniversary as an active boxer).
Marty Robert Wynn (2023 ‘Beyond the Ropes’ award).
Michael O’Neill - posthumous (Contributions in women’s boxing &
Regina Halmich (2023 Lifetime Achievement Award).
Jamie Johnson (2024 pioneer in women’s boxing).
Stuart Breslow (2024 ‘Beyond the Ropes’ award).
Sumya Anani (2024 Lifetime Achievement Award).
Saturday night [October 7th]
festivities included a video
message congratulating 2023/2024 inductees from Amanda ‘the Real
Deal’ Serrano & Barbara Buttrick (pioneer of women’s boxing from
the UK), a beautiful dinner, and speeches from the inductees
sharing their gratitude and stories from their past.
2023 Inductee recipients: Jennifer Alcorn, Kaliesha West, Kim
Messer, Leah Mellinger, Melissa McMorrow, Laura Ramsey, Sonya
Lamonakis, Yvonne Trevino, Melissa Del-Valle, Jill Diamond
Chastain, Dallas Malloy, and Bruce Silverglade.
2024 Inductee recipients: Daniella Smith, Sindy Amador, Maria
Jesus Rosa (posthumous), Rhonda Luna, Stacy Prestage, Judy Kulis,
Lou Dibella, Jenny Reid, Esther Schouten, Suzy Taylor, and Agnieszka Rylik.
This was the biggest (attendance wise) event for the IWBHF
since its inception in 2014 and GJWB is so lucky to be apart of
this prestigious event!!
We congratulate and THANK all these people for their efforts as
without them, GJWB would not exist.
We look forward to inducting and celebrating the next class of
Full story link
WBAN Instagram
WBAN Facebook
Group Facebook