(JUNE 25) There is a little
bit of history that has not been discussed much that occurred in
the 1970's to early 1980's, and it is not about a female boxer
or boxers----it is about a past photographer that captured
women's boxing in the 1970s-1980s when few cared about
covering the sport. His name is Alastair Segerdal
(he passed away in the early 2000's) . Alastair covered
women's boxing when ever and where ever he could be at events or
in the gym, in and out of the United States.

Photo of Alastair Segerdal in 1985
When I initially published WBAN on
the Internet in May of 1998, my ultimate goal and determination
was to give the long forgotten pioneer female boxers a place in
history that had been completely ignored and to acknowledge our
sisters from the past in the sport--- to shed light on their
stories, their struggles, and triumphs.

Alastair Segerdal sparring with
Susan Atkins (Catkins) in the
UK in April 3, 1992 - Copyrights: WBAN
In my research of women’s boxing that began in 1996, I
came across a gentleman by the name of Alastair Segerdal. Of what I
read about Alastair, he was one of the contributors of women’s boxing in
the late 1970’s and 1980’s. From reading about his adventures of
traveling across the continent to cover women’s boxing, I became
intrigued by this man and I wanted to find and talk with him about his
involvement in the sport. Three years later I received the opportunity…Interview.

Alastair Segerdal, had come across WBAN on the Internet, and was
surprised to see that I had already paid homage to his contributions and
had a featured story that he had published in 1979 when he covered the
first all-women’s boxing card in the world, where he took photos
of that event.
After we began talking with each other, Alastair sent some
original photos of that "History First" of the all-women’s
boxing card and other photos, that featured many of the top women boxers of the past.
One August 27, 2001, I received an email from him in regards, to
all the past photos and negatives he took of women's boxing with the
"Good to hear you'd like the slides. My brother says make sure you
purchase a good negative scanner. He also tells me that, in addition to
scanning color slides, you can scan black & white negatives and convert
them to the positive image. So, this prompts me to ask: Maybe you'd like
my B & W negatives of, not just the LGIS girls, but the Karen Bennett,
Shirley Tucker, Lousie Loo, etc. negatives, some prints of which
I've already sent to you. In other words, my
whole B & W negative collection.
I feel that by donating them to you I am donating to a worthwhile
cause, thus making sure my pictures are not lost forever on the winds of
history. The only negs missing
from my collection are those that I foolishly loaned to xxxxx,
some three or four years back, and he said he'd return them but never
did. It'd be great if you could locate xxxxx and get those negs back."
Unfortunately I received another email down the road, that he was ill
and anticipating that he would not make it too much longer. He and
I agree for WBAN to purchase the photos, and he had sent and then others
that he packaged up for me and sent hard copies. I will post
some of his photos he took in the past.

It is like people as Alastair Segerdal who had helped build the
past history of women's boxing and he will not be forgotten.
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