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From the time we make our first bucket
or run for our first touchdown our minds are captivated with this
one thing. This one thing is what all aspiring athletes push for
from the pee-wee leagues to the highest ranks of professional
sports. It is the reason why we spend countless hours in the gym,
sleepless nights watching film trying to find an edge, and go
through the rigorous mental challenges that present themselves to
all truly dedicated athletes; and still it alludes even the greatest
of athletes. To be called “CHAMPION”!
Just imagine running off the basketball court, crowd screaming,
after the National Championship game with the illustrious title of
Champion. And soon after you leave the locker room the excitement
and glory of the hoop dreams begin to fade, you enter a boxing ring;
only to dethrone the reigning title holder and confiscate the title
of “Champion”. Not many even dream this high, but Ms. Jackson has
lived it.

Giana R. Jackson, known to most as
Gigi, has always been accompanied with title of “Champion”. It would
be easier to say that one can not be mentioned without the other.
For the last 20 plus years Gigi has been a great inspiration and
role model to her hometown of Columbus, Ohio, and the athletic world
as well.
Early on it was easy to see that Ms. Jackson was headed for
greatness. Attending “Champion” Middle School, Gigi lead her team to
an amazing 10-0 season crowning her with her first championship.
Just getting started, Gigi would continue to define her greatness by
leading her AAU team to the State Championship.
Following with a multitude of basketball titles and awards, Gigi
played a major role in the Ohio State Women’s Basketball Big Ten
Championship in 1992. Shortly after graduation she became an
immediate contender and champion boxer. Gigi took league and team
MVP with the Columbus Comets, a women’s semi-professional football
team, as a brief break from the boxing ring, which she has made
Gigi Jackson’s athletic resume sits in the same class of many great
athletes. Some of her awards and accomplishments include:
• Midwest America Heavyweight Boxing “Champion” - 2006
• Columbus Recreation & Parks Boxing “Hall of Fame” Inductee - 2004
• U.S.A. Boxing National Heavyweight “Champion” - 2001
• #1 Ranked Boxer in the United States of America - 2001
• U.S.A. Boxing National Heavyweight “Champion” - 2000
• #1 Ranked Boxer in the United States of America - 2000
• National Gear-up Heavyweight Boxing “Champion” - 2000
• #2 National Golden Gloves - 2000
• Most Outstanding Senior Boxer Blackburn Recreation Center - 2000
• 1st Ringside Golden Gloves Nat. Heavyweight Boxing “Champion” -
• U.S.A. Boxing National Heavyweight “Champion” - 1999
• #1 Ranked Boxer in the United States of America - 1999
• Ohio State University Most Inspirational Award - 1996
• Olympic Festival Trials - 1993
• Kona Classic Invitational (Hawaii) Basketball Tour. “Champion” -
• National Runner-ups in the NCAA Basketball Tournament - 1993
• Ohio State University Big-Ten Basketball “Champions” - 1992
• Ohio vs. Michigan All-Star Game “Champions” - 1992
• District 10 All-Star Team “Champions” – 1992
• Olympic Festival Trials - 1992
• Columbus Dispatch Agonis Club Award winner - 1992
• National Who’s Who in Sports - 1992
• Scholar Athlete Award - 1992
• Bob Evans Scholar Athlete of the Year Award - 1992
• National Blue Chip - 1992
• 1st Team All-State - 1992
• 1st Team All-District - 1992
• 1st Team All-City - 1992
• Mifflin High School “MVP” - 1992
• State AAU Champions – 1992
• Admiral King Invitational Tournament “Champion” - 1992
• Admiral King Invitational Tournament “MVP” - 1992
• Cincinnati Knukols State AAU “Champions” - 1992
• Mifflin High School Reserve Basketball City “Champions” - 1988
• Mifflin High School Reserve Basketball “MVP” - 1988
• Champion Middle School City Basketball “Champion” (10 -0) - 1988
• Champion Middle School City Basketball “Team Captain” – 1988
• Champion Middle School City Basketball “MVP” - 1988
• Columbus City School’s Middle School Scoring Record – (Most Points
in a Championship/Game (male or female) - 1988
• Columbus Comets Semi-Professional 1st All Conference – 2004
• Columbus Comets Semi-Professional “MVP” - 2004
• Columbus Comets Semi-Professional Team “MVP” (Lineman) - 2004
Amazingly, if you’re not athletically inclined or familiar with
women sports you may fail to recognize all these great “Champion”
accomplishments Giana R. Jackson has given to the athletic world and
history. Along with many other awards, looking at her full resume,
Gigi is on her way to being legendary. With the best yet to come,
there is more in store for Gigi and all those who support this
athletic phenomenon.