Tiffany Junot stands at 5' 7'' and a very
athletic 150 lb. Born in 1978 she is predictably as tough as her Cajun
French heritage.
Tiffany grew up in a typical blue collar highly mixed and integrated New
Orleans neighborhood only a few blocks away from the great Mississippi
River. Growing up, she was always a street smart tomboy but a pretty
one at that which meant she often had to put the neighborhood boys in their
place with words and sometimes her fists. She quickly gained respect
for her "no BS" reputation.
Softball and volleyball were Tiffany's first
sports. She always found boxing very attractive. She loved the authority and
tremendous power that her favorite boxer "Mike Tyson" showed in the ring.
Tiffany looked into the sport and after having gotten bored with the
"executive boxing" workouts offered at the local gym she was hungry for real
competition. Tiffany officially began competitive boxing in 2002 with the
James Joseph Boxing Club.
Tiffany is ranked #1 in the nation after winning the 2003 National Women’s
Golden Gloves Tournament in Chicago. Tiffany captured the 154 lb. open
division title winning on three consecutive days. Some of her opponents in
the amateurs have been Katie Thorton, Jenna Johlin, Amber Clausin and Robin

Photos by J & P Photography
Tiffany has turned pro, and to
check out her updated boxing record,
Go here!